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Me and Rafe are left upstairs in my room as Sarah goes back home to get some of Rafe's things.
"Nice room Kitty Kat" I watch him walk around my bed as he picks up a beer bottle from the side of my bed that had lights in it.
He holds it up showing me with a judging face.
I snatch it from him and he puts his hands up in surrender.
"JJ made this for me for my birthday" I hear Rafe scoff and I whip around looking at him.
"not everyone has money that they can just spend on stupid stuff like Coke Rafe! Stop being a brat" I see his face twist in annoyance.

"And this?" He picks up a frame with a photo of me and Pope in .
The photo was of us on JB's boat two summers ago.
The frame was decorated and carved with pretty patterns.
"Pope Gave it to me for my birthday!" I snatch that off him and place the two items down.
Pope did wood shop and he used a knife to carve the pretty pattern on the frame.
John B got me some candles that were being sold at the market.
Kie made me a necklace out of shells she found and Sarah got me a cake with a bracelet on top of it in a little white box.
"Get off my bed!" I push him off my bed and he scowls.
"There are going to be rules if your staying here for a bit" he rolls his eyes and I fold my arms over my chest.

"Go on then Kit Kat say your rules" he challenges daring me to back down.
"1 - my mum can't know , she will kill me if she finds a boy is living in my room.
2 - no doing Coke in this house Period.
3 - you shower when my mum leaves for work
4 - you piss me off your going back to Ward
5 - you break any of these rules then your Dad will be the least of your worries" I see his mind working over these rules.
"Fine , when does your mum go to work?" I sigh in relief .
I write down my mother's work times.
Monday - starts at 8am to 9pm.
Tuesday-starts at 9pm works to 5am.
Wednesday- starts at 2pm to 5pm
Thursday- 8am to 9pm.
Friday - 8am to 9pm
Saturday-9pm to 5am
Sunday- day off .
My mother works at a care home she takes night shifts sometimes to get more money.

"Ok then what about food how am I going to eat if your mums about?" He raises his eyebrows at me.
"Wait till she leaves it's not that hard Rafe" I shrug as I open my draw.
I grab a shirt and I walk out going to the bathroom.
I come back in with a new shirt on and I walk in on Rafe changing.
I meet eyes with Sarah who had her back turned to her brother giving him privacy.
My eyes go wide when I see Rafe pretty much naked.
I turn around quickly.
"Little warning next time?" I say in annoyance.

"Yeah whatever" I hear Rafe's voice from the back of my room , I could practically feel his smirk.
"You can look now" i hear Rafe huff and I turn to see him led down on my bed with his hands behind his head.
"Right I got his stuff and I'll be back tomorrow?" Sarah hugs me and I nod.
"Don't bother he'll be out the house anyway we'll meet you at Kies restaurant" Sarah nods and Rafe jumps up in protest.
"Alright I get it I have to stay here but that doesn't mean I have to slum it like you pouges in the day time as well" all the anger in my body boils up .
It almost felt like steam was coming out my ears.
"Look I'm doing this for Sarah not you so stop whingeing and show some gratitude" I spin around looking him dead in the eye.

"Kat thank you again for doing this" I turn to Sarah hugging her.
"It's fine really if it gets to much I'll just kill him" I wink at her and I hear Rafe scoff.
Sarah leaves at around 4pm
It was a Tuesday so my mother would be home soon.
"You should probably get food unless you want to starve all night my mum will be home in a hour" he nods and goes downstairs.
I take that time to change in private, I join him downstairs.
I see him making pasta he was putting it in the bowel with some Sauce.
"You want some?" He asks not even turning around I guess he just sensed that I was there.

"Yeah I'll have some Cameron" I smirk picking up the bowel that was already filled with pasta.
I walk back upstairs sitting on my bed.
He's not far behind , he sits opposite me at the end of my bed.
We eat together awkwardly, I don't think me and Rafe ever actually had to rely on each other to make a convo.
We normal just argued.
"So are you and JJ like a thing then?" He breaks the silence and I look up in shock.
"No? And if we were Why would you care?" I scoff and eat some more of my pasta.
"I don't I'm just trying to make conversation" he shrugs putting the bowel on my side as he was finished.
"Try less" I laugh and he rolls his eyes at me.
"Look I don't like you , you don't like me but we have to live together Until my dad stops with his rage episode that might be a while so we might as well try to make a effort" he had a point for once in his life.

"Fine yeah you have a point I guess" I shrug and I really regretted saying that.
"Did you just say I'm right? Wow the Katerina Night said that me Rafe Cameron has a Point" he teases and I roll my eyes.
"Keep rolling those eyes Kitty Kat and we might have a problem" he threatens.
"And why is that?" I smirk , he looks almost flustered?
"Kat I'm home!" I hear my mum shout and foot steps coming up the stairs.
"Shit hide"
"Where? Their is like no where to hide in this box?"
I narrowed my eyes at the spoiled boy.
I grab his arm "under the bed now" he huffs but does as I say.
Rolling under the bed.
"Hey how was work" I smile as my mother comes in.
"It was fine , your Dad called why didn't you tell me that you got arrested and that they are making you pay a fine so you don't go to jail! Why didn't you say anything! I don't have the money Kat!" I see my mother's face go red with frustration.

"Mum it's fine-"
"No it's not! I only just got you back and now I'm losing you again! Your dad won't pay for you either! I need to work something out maybe more shifts?" I hug my mum surprising her with the impact of my hug.
"It's ok , Sarah paid for it" I sigh and I feel my mother's tears drop on my shoulders.
"I need to pay her back-"
"No um Sarah's brother Rafe paid for me , he doesn't want any money from you" my mother looks at me strangely.
"Why would he do that? He hates you?" Even my mother knew that we didn't get along.
She didn't know what Rafe looked like but she knew of him , I talked about how much I hate him.
"I don't know but I'll take care of it , everything is going to work out" my mother walks out and I hear her bedroom door shut.
Tears were in my eyes I hated seeing my mum so upset.
"Don't , don't pretend you care" I wipe the tears away turning to get into bed.
"Why did you take the fall? For the boats I mean" Rafe asks and I sit up looking at him.

"There my friends I couldn't just let them fuck themselves over? You would've done the same for your friends" I pull the blanket up as Rafe gets in bed next to me.
"No I wouldn't of not for the same reason as you"
He looked genuinely sad , like he wanted to be someone else , something good something more?
"Who said we were sharing my bed?" I change the subject as he pulls the blanket on him more.
"I did now stop moaning and go to sleep" he turns away from me and I huff.

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