You lied to me?

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Me and Sarah start to drive to her house in Rafe's car.
It was awkward , we haven't spoken since she stormed off into the house after I told her that Rafe was paying for me to not go to jail.
"So-" I start my hands going up and down on the wheel.
"Look I'm sorry I stormed off but seriously? You are going to let Rafe have that against you?" She turns her head towards me almost saying that I was being stupid.
"What do you mean?" I didn't quite understand what she meant by "use against you" .
"He will use it to get what he wants from you , I don't know what he wants but it's clearly something!" I scoff , Rafe doesn't want anything from me.

He just wants to be abled to say that he paid for me to make his Dad think he's a nice person.
To use it against me to embarrass me in front of his friends and my friends but he doesn't want anything from me.
"He doesn't want anything from me Sarah , he just wants to be made out to be a good person and to embarrass me that's all your being dramatic, because as much as Rafe tries to make me look like shit I don't care! I am who I am" I pull up to the Cameron's drive way getting out in the car before she could say anything back.
"Sarah! Where the hell have you been?!" Ward comes out straight away , hearing the sound of the car doors slam.

Along with Rafe who looked very upset.
"I was with John B" that's all Sarah says to make ward scoff.
"Get inside now" Sarah nods following him inside.
"Kat" Ward nods awkwardly at me and I nod back.
I wait outside for Sarah , waiting for her to patch things up yet again with her father.
I start to here shouts and things crashing , I quickly run inside to see Sarah crying yelling at her Dad to stop beating Rafe.
"You fucking son of a bitch! Doing coke again! Really how pathetic! Using my money to get your coke" Ward starts to punch Rafe and Rafe does nothing to defend himself.
I quickly grab a lamp hitting Ward over the head, knocking him out.
All that was heard in the room were all our heavy breaths .

"What the hell is going on-" I drop the lamp looking towards Sarah for answers.
"I told him, I told him that I stole his money for coke last year and that I'm doing coke again but you already knew that didn't you kat" Rafe pushes past me going out the front door to start up his car.
"You knew? You knew he was doing coke again?"
"I caught him doing it when I went to get your meds" I confessed.
"You lied to me" Sarah's voice sounded hurt .
"No- I just didn't tell you-" Sarah scoffs and a tear runs down her cheek.
"That's lying to me! He's my brother who's got a fucking addition and a addictive personality and you thought you wouldn't fucking tell me that he is doing coke again?!" Sarah pushes me and I hit into the desk behind me.
"He told me not to-" Sarah looks at me in disbelief.
"What and you thought "yeah ill just listen to the addict?" What is wrong with you I thought you were my friend!" Her hands run through her hair in frustration.

"I am your friend! I'm sorry I didn't know what to do-"
Sarah head snaps towards me so fast it looked like she broke her neck.
"It's funny you keep saying that and yet you still find a way to fuck things up!" She was right I should've told her.
I didn't know why I didn't.
"Look I know you hate Rafe and I know you think him having a addiction is funny and you make jokes about it but it isn't a laugh or a joke that's his life! It's my life when I have to pick up the pieces and help him again! Is that why you didn't tell me? Because you hate Rafe? Because you don't care what happens to him?" I notice Ward starting to wake but was too distracted with Sarah.

"No- I only caught him once I didn't think-" I try to go on but Sarah interrupts me again.
"What you didn't think he would keep doing it? HES A FUCKING ADDICT KAT" she shouts the last bit of the sentence and that's when Ward gets up grabbing me.
I yelp not expecting it.
He pushes me straight over his desk, I fall onto the floor banging my head .
"Dad-" Sarah puts her arms out telling him to calm down.
"What happened! Where's Rafe!" He was clearly out of it .
"Dad he's gone-"
"Get out of my way!" He pushes Sarah to the side getting in his car .
"Kat are you ok?" She walks round the desk to see my head bleeding slightly.
"Yes I'm fine , we have to go find Rafe before you're Dad does" I get up feeling dizzy , I ignore it as I walk outside to where a jeep was parked.

I get in the drivers seat. Sarah couldn't drive.
"You sure your ok to drive?" I nod staring up the car.
"Where would he of gone?" I ask and Sarah shrugs.
"What about Barry's place?" Sarah looks towards me confused.
"Barry is Rafe's dealer , he's everyone's dealer on the pouge side of the island" she looks away from me.
"Let's go there then" I nod as I turn a corner.
I knew where Barry lived , every pouge did , if you didn't you must be living under a rock.
As for Kooks some of them knew where he lived but the rest were too busy buying another boat to notice there kids were off their heads.
We pull up outside Barry's and that's when Barry comes out laughing as he saw us both.
This mother fucker.
"Alright princess , good to see your bruises are all gone" Sarah looks at me confused, I didn't tell her that Barry beat me up because he wanted money from Rafe.

"Yeah very good , now where's Rafe?" He laughs at me.
"Country Club your girlfriend is here" he's eyeing me and Sarah up like a main course.
"She isn't my girl she's a fucking pouge you moron" Rafe comes out the Trailer.
"Rafe come on I know somewhere safe you can stay" Sarah pleads for her brother to come with us but he doesn't .
"I am safe Sarah! I've got everything I need right here" he gestures to the trailer.
"Yeah I'm sure you do , your coming with us if you want to or not" I threaten and he tilts his head with a smirk.
"Is that so? How then? Are you to drag me to the car" he laughs in my face.
"Please Rafe-" he puts his hand up to sh sarah.
I sigh in exhaustion.
I turn my head towards Sarah "He's right we can't force him" I whispered to Sarah and she nods sadly.

"OooOo what happened to your head princess" Barry had got closer to me , grazing his finger on my wound.
I push his hands away and that's when he pushes me.
"Stop!" Sarah shouts as My back hits the side of the car.
Rafe pushes Barry behind him and then says something that I couldn't quite make out but it was definitely a threat.
"Kat are you ok? Come on let's go" Sarah opens the car door but I refuse to get in.
I walk towards Rafe , he turns looking at me weirdly , like he didn't know what I was doing.
"Your coming with us now , get in the fucking car!" I see Rafe's jaw clench and he Nods slightly.
Pushing past me to get in the back of the jeep.
Me and Sarah got In the front and I started to Drive.
"He can't go home yet , Dads too angry" I hear Rafe scoff from the back seat.

"So where's he going to stay? JB won't let him stay there" I state and she nods.
"Kat can he stay with you?" My head snaps towards her , I thought she was joking she wasn't she was deadly serious.
"We hate each other!" I shout and she nods .
"I'm right here you know" Rafe says and I roll my eyes.
"Please Kat , only for a little bit when Dad isn't mad anymore he can come home just please- I'll help you with everything" I sigh , I guess it's the least I could do considering I didn't tell Sarah that Rafe started Coke again.
"Fine fine yeah he can stay at mine" I see Rafe in the mirror with a smirk.
God he's a asshole.

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