Chapter Thirty-Eight~ Getting her Back

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The daylight passed. It was now early in the evening. Brunch was over and Minho had never shown up. After a few unanswered messages and calls, Kareena assumed he was busy or sad over midterms.

Currently, she was on her way to St. Alexander Memorial Hospital. Zion was visiting his mother, and she was visiting him. Entering the ICU, she saw Zion on the couch by the window, his feet up and his guitar in his arms. Dropping her tote bag by the foot of the couch, she plopped down on the cushion next to him.

Zion played with the strings of his acoustic guitar, the occasional note singing around them. "Any changes?" Kareena asked, looking over the woman sleeping on the hospital bed in front of them.

Zion took in a deep breath, shaking his head as he let it out. "No. No, changes at all. Nothing will ever change, will it?" He continued to mumble, asking himself instead of his best friend.

Kareena remained silent, her eyes travelling over the coma patient. There wasn't anything she could say. She wasn't a doctor, heck, even the doctors don't know the answer.

Kareena looked over at her friend, the one who stared at his mother in hopes that his silent begs would wake her. If she were to give him some words of hope, they would be quickly diminished. Zion's mother had been in a coma for three years. Almost everyone had given up on her ever waking. Even Zion's father had fallen in love and gotten remarried. Zion was happy his father was happy, but he would never give up on his mother, he was certain, one day he would get her back.

It wasn't the first time Kareena had come to see Zion in the ICU. It also wasn't the first time she was out of words. In her time with Zion, she had come to realize, silence is a nice comfort as well. Words don't always have to fill the silence, sometimes one's presence is enough.

Rather than words or talking about he felt, Kareena decided to do the next best thing. Pulling out her tablet from her bag, she unlocked it. "Wanna watch the new season of Who Would You Rather?" She asked, about to press play on the screen.

Zion's ears perked up. Reality tv was one of the things the best friends bonded over. "Is that the show where contestants decide between dating someone new or going back to their ex? I didn't know they made a second season." He asked, scooting closer to look at the rectangular screen.

"Yeah, it just started, so there are only a few episodes out." She told him, pressing play.

As they approached the scene where someone, who was already in a couple, was having dinner with their ex, the two were surprised when a vibrating phone made them turn from one screen to another.

"Why is Jin Park calling you? After your work hours? Is it perhaps..." Zion smirked as he raised a brow and rested his hand on his chin like an old-school detective.

Kareena waved her hands in the space between them to stop him from getting the wrong idea. "Of course not, it's not what you think. Besides, I don't work for him anymore." She said, a slightly sad tone taking over her words as she said the last bit.

It was the first time Zion was hearing about her quitting, but he was on something far more important he needed to know. "All the more reason it's concerning to me that he's calling you this late. So what was it, huh? Strike up an unlikely romance with your boss?" He guessed, causing Kareena to go bright pink. "Ah, so that's what it is." He sang, noticing the colour change on her face. "Ah, it's like the classic story. Nice poor girl meets cold rich CEO. It's loathe at first sight. Then the girl begins a job as the CEO's personal assistant, without either of them noticing, they begin to grow closer. Next thing you know, the two start to develop real feelings for each other, alas they never act on them because it's forbidden- you know, different families and social statuses, classic stuff. Anyways, even though they can never truly be together, there are moments where their true feelings for one another come out." Zion launched into an entire story.

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