Chapter Nineteen~ First day Jitters

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 💎 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Changing her clothes at home, she wore a navy blue pencil skirt and a white blouse. She tied her hair up and put her glasses on. Looking at the time, she realized she was getting late.

Oh no!

Grabbing her pens, notebook, planner, and binder, she made her hair into a bin and locked it with a pencil.

Over at Park Corp, Jin was explaining everything to Minho, who looked like he would rather be anywhere else.

"It is not expected that you retain all of today's information, but it is encouraged." Jin suggested

I wish the ground would open up and swallow me whole. Minho knew his prayers were rejected when he heard his brother talk once more.

"I'm surprised it took father this long to introduce you to the company. I started when I was eleven. I'll have some material compiled for you before you leave." Jin put a hand to his head, "what am I forgetting? Ah yes, the health and wellness facilities. Mother and her assistant run those."

Minho heard Mai's name and groaned out loud. When he noticed Jin's head turn to him, he quickly gave an excuse, "Can we get something to eat first?

Jin looked at him skeptically before agreeing, "very well, we can go over the rest tomorrow, I suppose. I will go grab my jacket from my office and we can go. Please decide on where you would like to go before my return."

Jin went off to his office leaving Minho to plant himself in the office chair behind the secretary's desk.

Minho was spinning around in the chair when Kareena strutted through the revolving doors. She looked around before spotting Minho at the service desk. Looking over at him, she saw his hair styled and gelled, there was no ring on his lip, and he was wearing a casual blue suit, one that matched her outfit.

Giving him a slight wave and smile, she expected him to give something back since he had stopped and was looking at her. There was nothing.

Minho eyed the girl curiously, Who is that girl waving at me? Oh my god, Kareena? His eyes went wide as he fell off his chair.

Kareena gasped as she rushed over to him. "Oh gosh, are you alright? What happened?" A small giggle escaped her lips.

"Ah, man," He rubbed the area where his arm hit the cold tile floor. Looking up, he saw Kareena come around the desk to extend a hand. "Kareena?" He questioned, taking her hand.

Laughing as she pulled him up, she said, "You can call me, Kari. All my friends do, anyway. It's shorter than my full name and easier than calling me, 'hey-you-over-there'." She offered.

As they laughed for a minute, Minho went on. "Sorry I didn't wave back, I didn't recognize you with the glasses and the outfit." He pointed out.

"Oh yeah..." A light blush covered Kareena's cheeks as she adjusted the frame of her pure black, thick-rimmed, light prescription frames. "My eyes get really irritated if I have my contacts in for too long, so I have to wear my glasses." She explained. "I hope to get a new prescription for my contacts soon, though." She added

"Why? I think you look cute with your glasses on- what I mean is- not cute, cute, but like- ugh. What I mean is you look different." He finally settled.

Kareena let out a small chuckle at his awkwardness, putting Minho at ease. "It's okay, I know what you meant. You look different too, more... studious." She pointed to his hair and clothing.

"Yeah, my mom helped me pick out my outfit and style my hair." Minho's cheeks flushed from embarrassment as he realized what he had said.

Kareena didn't find it embarrassing she said, "Your mom has excellent taste. I met her, right? The night of the party." Minho looked at her confused, his mother didn't attend the party- she wasn't allowed to. It clicked in his mind that she must have seen Mai, not his mother. Regardless, he nodded and listened to her continue, "I think you look cute, in a very professional way, of course." She smirked.

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