Chapter Thirty-Seven~ Brunches all around

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It was early, and on this particular Sunday morning, Kareena was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed- much like her favourite animal: the mighty squirrel. If Aidan wasn't fully passed out on his bed, he would have told her to keep quiet and go back to sleep.

Just when she finished combing her hair into two long ponytails, there was a knock at the front door. Hmm, everyone knows better than to knock on the door this early on a Sunday. She thought as she made her way out to the hallway.

The knock came once again, this time earning a response from an ill-tempered Aidan. "Will someone open the goddamn door before I kill everyone!" He threatened, still half-asleep, but awake enough to follow through on his word.

Kareena bit her lips to keep from laughing too loudly as she rushed to see who was behind the door.

Opening the front door, it was revealed that Oliver was the one standing behind it. "Oh, that makes sense." She spoke aloud, stepping outside and closing the door behind her, now the two could talk freely without Aidan scolding them.

"What makes sense?" Oliver inquired, stepping back and noticing that she was dressed to go somewhere at barely eight AM.

"Almost everyone that comes around here knows that it's dangerous to make noise before eleven. Sunday is the one day that Aidan gets to relax and sleep in. If he gets up before he wakes up naturally, he gets... crabby." She settled on. 'Crabby' was an understatement, monstrous, is the more accurate word. "Anyways, what brings you here so early in the morning?" When Kareena noticed his arms shift and a pink colour over his face, she realized he was holding something behind his back. "Is there something behind your back?" She queried, curving around his side to try and sneak a peek.

"Yes, I wanted to get you something as sorta a thank you. You know, for all the help with midterms, putting up with Sixth, and everything in between." He explained, pulling it out from behind his back.

"You didn't have to get me anything, I was happy to help. Besides, if it didn't have you, I wouldn't have been able to answer the first question on my math midterm." She admitted, thanking him for the help in the process.

"Still, I wanted to."

Holding it out to her, Kareena saw that it was a small, brown-leather cover, beautifully designed book. "The History of Flower Meanings." She read the title aloud.

"Yeah. Aidan told me you really loved books..." He trailed off as his nerves began to freeze, anxiety began to set in when Kareena did nothing but stare down at the cover. About to head for the nearest wall and/or covering, he was taken aback when a smile as bright as the sun above them, graced Kareena's beautiful face.

"You talked to Aidan- hold on, Aidan talked to you?" She changed her question midway, to which Oliver nodded.

"Yeah, he said you loved books and things that were unique to you. So, I figured you would find this interesting. Flowers have had their own language for centuries, especially in the Victorian era. Every emotion and sentiment imaginable can be expressed with flowers. You just need to know the right ones. They can also be used to ask questions and give answers."

"Do you like it?" He asked sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he watched her silently flip through the book.

"Like it? I love it!" She squealed out excitedly as she tugged him into her embrace, the book squished between them. "Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me. I love flowers- sometimes I wish I wasn't severely allergic to them. This is probably one of the greatest gifts I've ever gotten." She gushed as she let him go.

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