Chapter Twenty-Five~ Tutoring, Again: The Revenge of Sixth's Stupidity

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 💎 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Kareena was exiting her class, a sigh of exhaustion leaving her lips. Yesterday's events had kept her up all night.

Half-asleep, she wandered the hallway, her yawn was interrupted when Sixth grabbed her shoulders from behind, jolting her awake.

Kareena's body tensed. Slowly, she let go when she realized it was Sixth. "Hey, Kari," he smiled, leaning his tall body over to latch onto her shoulders.

Kareena only laughed, letting him embrace her for all he needed, realizing how warm he was. She enjoyed the hug.

Oliver was in front of her, shaking with nerves and anxiety. After several seconds of awkward silence and direct eye contact, he finally found his words.

They were a stuttering mess, but still words.

"Ka-Kari, is th-there a-any chance y-you're bu-busy today?" Oliver was confused by his stutter, the last time wasn't like this. The tutoring at her place wasn't like this. So why now?

Kareena narrowed her eyes at him jokingly. "That depends. Whatcha' need me for?" She playfully raised her brow.

Seeing his friend combust into red at the joke, Sixth quickly answered. "Oliver was hoping that you could tutor us? You know, 'cause you did such a good job last time." Sixth exaggerated, nodding over to said friend.

"Sure, but we can't do it at my place. Aidan... isn't exactly good with the whole 'making new friends' thing." She explained, both boys nodded.

It was then that Sixth came up with one of his rare- good ideas. "We can all study at Oliver's house!" He let out excitedly, moving from Kareena's side to his, nudging the poor blushing boy forwards.

Kareena smiled as she turned to him, making sure it was alright with him.

"Su-Sure thing." Having gotten all the stuttering and nerves out, he continued. "I can text you my address."

"Wonderful!" Kareena was about to walk off when she realized she had forgotten something. Smiling at the idea that popped into her head, she asked, "Would you mind if I invited my friends, Zion and Nastasia? I promised I would help them study as well."

"Yeah, that's no problem," Oliver smiled, grateful for her help and embarrassed by the 'help' of his over-eager friend.

As the day finally ended, Kareena had walked through the doors of Park Corp. With a tray carrying three cups of coffee, Kareena looked around for Sabrina before shrugging her shoulders and placing the cup on her desk.

"Thanks for the coffee!"

Sabrina's exclamation caused Kareena to whirl around, facing her with a smile. "You're welcome. It's the least I can do for you after saving my butt the last time."

"It was really no big deal." Sabrina's face flushed from the smile and praise coming from the small body in front of her.

"Anyways, I would tread extra carefully today if I were you." Sabrina warned, passing Kareena to get behind her desk, spinning herself in her chair to face her again.

Kareena curiously tilted her head, wondering what could have happened to ruin the decent mood he was in yesterday. "What happened?" She finally asked, pushing her thoughts off to get an answer.

Sabrina didn't have or give a helpful answer, "No one has any idea. He came in this morning grumpy and scowling- more than usual, that is. His hair was messy, clothing dishevelled, mood way darker." Kareena became more concerned with every word she heard, what could have happened between the time she had been with him and now?

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