Chapter Twenty-Two~ The Reproduction of Heirs

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 💎 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Walking up the next morning, Kareena stretched her body. Stretching her sore back further, she made her way out of the room.

As she found herself in the hallway, tiredness slowly fading, it finally clicked that she had walked from her room, one she wasn't in when she fell asleep.

When did I get to the room?

Further down the hall and into the living room, she shifted her eyes around only to see Zion cuddled up with Brandy and JoJo on the couch.

Where is everyone else? She wondered.

About to wake up Zion, to get an answer to her question, she noticed a sticky note on the table.

In messy, nearly illegible writing, it read.

Hey Kari,

We left shortly after you fell asleep, don't worry. Thank you for all the help with studying. I hope you got a good rest, see you soon.


A few centimetres above the sticky note were bills to pay for her tutoring them. Eyeing them skeptically, she took them in her hand, letting out a sigh, knowing what she had to do.

The day went by fast and Kareena was at 'I Dream of Tea' waiting to grab her tea before work. When she walked in, she noticed Nastasia smiling and waving at her.

Already punching in her order, Kareena chatted away with Nastasia. It was a few minutes before something caught Kareena's eyes.

It was a pink and purple toy necklace, with a pink heart-shaped locket in the middle. "What a cute little necklace, where'd you get it?" She asked, Nastasia never wore jewelry unless it was expensive, and this necklace looked like you could buy it with pocket change.

"Oh," she instinctively touched the locket when she heard Kareena mention it. It was a split second before a wicked smile crossed the barista's lips. "I got it from your locker."

"My locker, I never had- wait a minute!" It took her a second before she could comprehend that Nastasia went to her locker and took something. "When did you go through my locker?"

"The day you quit. I needed some type of revenge, so I took the necklace from you."

Kareena couldn't help but smile at her Russian friend's gesture, she couldn't tell what Nastasia was trying to accomplish, but it was funny.

"I didn't even know there was a necklace in my locker. I've never seen that one before." She eyed it curiously, knowing for a fact she had never kept jewelry in her locker nor had anything that resembled the necklace Nastasia was wearing.

"Well, it was in your locker, maybe someone left it for you?" She suggested unclasping it and putting it around Kareena. "Regardless, you've seen me wearing the necklace, my revenge is complete. I'm glad to have the dreadful-looking thing off."

"Don't say that, I think it's cute." Kareena said, looking down at where the locket rested.

"Of course you do, look at your outfit." Nastasia rolled her eyes, pointing to the purple sweater and light blue jeans she was wearing. She also knew her friend enjoyed childish things. "I will tell you, the person who gifted that to you definitely knows you." She said.

It was a short while before Kareena skipped her way into Spirit, unaware someone was watching her.

Sitting down a to-go cup of green tea for her manager, she dropped her bag behind the counter before being greeted by Maxine.

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