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Pravna's Letter

Thanks for everything, Arjun. This is from your little sister Pravna.

I know you helped me so much. That day, If you didn't come at the right time, then I won't be alive today. I love you so much, Arjun. You are always been my best brother.

You always insist me to call you 'Anna', but I always don't follow that to irritate you. You are the one whom I always think as a family after my brother.

Now, I will call you. Ok.

Arjun Anna,

Happy Right.

I want to introduce you to my brother always, but I didn't get the right time for that. I will surely do that in my future. I know, you both will be the best uncle to my child.

Today, I met my brother after so many months. But, his look killed my heart. I have hurt him so much. I can see that in his eyes. I can understand that look. He felt betrayed. I did the biggest mistake by hiding this.

Whatever it is, I would have told him. I am sure that he will support that decision. I did a mistake. I can't change the past, but as you said that I can change my future.

I am going to meet my brother tomorrow. I know you will be happier than me on this right. I know, how scared you were when you left me here. You will come daily to meet me. I know I was very stubborn that day when you want me to live in your house. I hurt you with my words.

I remember my words now also ' If you didn't let me stay where I want, then I will go somewhere without your knowledge. Then I will throw my mobile too, you can't reach me even if you want to. You can't stay around me 24/7, Arjun. Think and decide,'

You nodded after that as you don't have any chance. You are scared about me. You are like a boon to me, Anna. I am really sorry, Anna. I misused your love.

After you got to know that my roommate is taking care of me like a sister, then only you started to check up on me every month that too at my pressure. You will always fight with me, that why can't you meet me at least once a week, but I have my reasons, Anna. I know you got fed up with my words that I have my reason, but I can't help it, Anna.

Hasini Akka took the best care of me all these months. I am very lucky right. Yes, I know or else how I will get people like you guys in my life. A brother who took care of me like parents who will take of their child. I didn't felt like an orphan in my life. All credit goes to my brother.

Then I got you. You took care of a pregnant girl who doesn't even want to reveal the father of her child to you. I got another brother from another mother.

After that, I got a sister who took care of me in my tough period of this pregnancy. She has to leave tomorrow. She even tried to cancel her flight for me as she doesn't want to leave me in this state. But I blackmailed her as I did with you. This is her dream or else I won't do that. She got an opportunity to do her higher graduation in her dream college in Australia with the scholarship. She already ignored the first mail which she got three months before as she doesn't want to leave me.

If she didn't leave me now, then she will miss her dream. I don't want to be the reason for that. You know what, she already decided to ignore this mail too. It's good that I mistakenly clicked the mail option when I am searching for some movie to watch. Since she synced her mail, I saw that and forced her this time.

I am very much lucky to get these people's in my life, Anna. You took care of my every expense all these months even I don't want you too.

Thanks for everything, Anna. Thank you so much. I can't hurt my brother anymore. I can't see that hurt look in my brother's eyes again. I going to live with him. I am going to explain my side to him.

I am sure, Anna. He will understand me. He will stand for me. I printed some of your pictures today to keep them with me, Anna. I have a habit that if I am going to live away from my close ones. I will print the pictures of them and keep them with me.

I already have my brother's pictures as I am missing him so much. Likewise, I printed your pictures too. I will keep some of our pictures with this letter too. Keep it with you as my remembrance. And today only, I took the picture with Hasini Akka. I need to print it too.

I know If I am going to live with my brother, then it doesn't mean that I don't have to be not in contact with you. But, I don't want to destroy another person's life, Anna.

I am not speaking about you, Anna. I would have come with you to stay in your home or I would have lived in the same apartment where I used to live, but I didn't. As always, I had my reasons, Anna.

I won't contact you hereafter, Anna. I will contact you after 10 to 15 years.

You will be confused now right. Why can't I be in contact? Because I am scared that the father of my child will come to know about his child and will be guilty about his act.

He is such a good heart, Anna. A person who impressed me without any intention. I don't want to destroy his life. I and my child don't want to be a burden on him. If he comes to know about this, then he will feel guilty without his mistake and I don't want that, Anna.

That's why I tried to commit suicide. But you saved me. Thank you so much, Anna.

If you didn't save me that day, then I would have killed my gem which is growing inside me. I took a stupid decision, but you cleared my mind.

Thank you so much, Anna. You explained the meaning of my life.

As my brother, I want to tell you everything. Before that, I want a promise from you that you won't tell this to anyone. Especially the one person whom I don't want to know in this life.

I will consider that you promised to me on your Kamiya. I know, Anna. Even you told me that Kamiya is just your crush. I can see your love for her in your eyes. So, try to find her. Ok.

I know you didn't share with anyone about your love for Kamiya or I can say crush as you said. I felt very special when you shared it with me. I will pray to god that you will marry her and you guys will live a long life.



Kamiya's Pov

I started crying while hearing all this. You are stupid, Kamiya. How can you judge your Arjun?

It's all your fault. He is right. You don't deserve his love. He is always been true to me, but I am always insecure about everything.

I love you, Arjun. Please don't leave me. I can't live without you.

" Don't cry, Kamiya. We can make him understand. But, we need to know the full story. Control your emotion. I will complete this," Ishu hugged me while saying this. I nodded at her and removed myself from the hug. Then, she started to read again.


Pravna's Letter Continuation

So, let's come back to our topic. Please don't tell this to anyone, Anna.

Father of my child is.....

Please, Anna. Don't be angry at him. He didn't do any mistakes. Don't judge him without reading completely.

You know him, Anna. Even you know him more than me. So, I know you won't judge him without reading fully.

Father of my child is my love. My first love. I love him and I will love him forever.

You will be shocked, but this is the truth.

Karthick. Father of my child.

I am repeating the same, Anna. Don't judge him before reading it completely.


I am really sorry for the late update

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