Arjun's Intro

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Arjun Pov

"Sir, this is the last month's report of our company that you have asked for," Karunas Anna gave me the file.

You would have thought why I am mentioning our company's manager as Anna right. Because I want to develop a friendly environment in my workplace.

"Anna, how many times I have told you to call me Arjun? Why are you stubborn on calling me, Sir?" I asked him.

"No problem sir, when it comes to business I like to be professional. Maybe after the official hours, I will try to call you as you like. Is it ok?" Anna asked.

"You won't change, Anna. Fine, you can call me whatever you like," I replied and he went off.

So, Hi all, This is Arjun. I am 27 years old B.E graduate. And I am managing my Dad's company (Steel Business). Our company is not the best one, but a good one to satisfy all our family needs. We are not rich but we are upper-middle class.

My dream is to create my own company, but I got failed in my last 3 attempts. And as you guys think I didn't lose my hope. Now I am thinking to start a business with my knowledge and with a small amount of investment. I will disclose the plan to you guys after making a perfect plan.

I am a lovable person to my loved ones and gentleman to the peoples who deserves respect. But I am the most arrogant one when someone tries to mess with me.

I will respect the peoples who are elder in their mind and heart, but not by their age. I love my family and friends more than myself. I can do anything for them because they deserve it.

My Dad(Prakash) is now taking the rest after his retirement to this business and my Mom(Ramya) is a housewife. And my cute sister(Dharani )is pursuing her BDS degree.

And last, but not least my Grandma(Amirtha) is spending her quality time with us. My inspiration is my grandma only because she is such a great businesswoman at my age itself. I will always be proud of my iron lady.

I have three best friends that are Karthick, Anitha, and Swetha. These people are my life savior. We all were done our schooling and college in the same institution and the same class. We all are so much lucky.

And when I am doing my business these peoples are the only ones who supported me and knows everything about me. Now, Karthick and Anitha are working in the same IT company. And Swetha is not working for now as she wants to enjoy her bachelorhood for some time.

When it comes to my body, I don't have a perfect body. My skin color is brown and my height is 6′2'.

I don't have six-packs and all, but I am attractive and handsome in my own way. This is the comments of the girls who try to woo me, but they are all fake ones who got attracted to me and there is no true feeling for me. That's all for now.

I have started to pack my bag to leave my office. And I forgot to tell you guys something which is important.

That is, I am going to be married in 3 days. You guys are shocked right, but that is the fact. I am not happy and also not sad with this arrangement, because I don't have a past relationship or something to feel about.

You guys will be asking why because I don't feel that true emotional feeling with anybody except the one. Nowadays people's attraction and infatuation are considered as love in this society, but I think it's all about lust there is no true feeling.

I am not a virgin either. And I don't expect that from my future wife too, because I will respect her past whatever it is If she is the victim of the situation then I will always stand with her. But I want her 100% loyalty towards the relationship after marriage.

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