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Author's Pov

one man is going toward the stage with a happy smile in an ash color coat suit. He is looking dashing in that.

he got the award and showed it to the audience with a proud smile.

The Award function host said, " So, how do you feel, Arjun? The Best App maker of this year. How do you feel?"

Yes, this is an award function for all industry people.

" Hi all, Happy will be the very smallest word. Seriously, I can't describe my happiness now. I wouldn't make it without my people and I want to thank every one of them.

My Patti who is my inspiration. My parents supported me in every stage of my life. My parents in law who trusted me and kept hope in me. Thank you so much.

Karthick, Akhil, Ishu, Varsha, Swetha, and Anitha. My friends were with me and support me without any expectation. Thank you so much. I am very lucky to have you guys in my life.

My investor, Prasanth Sir, Thank you so much for trusting me on this.

Last but not least, My girl, My Wife, My everything who trusts me like anything. My Kamiya stood up for me and supported me till now to make me stand here.

Thank you so much, Cutie. Without you, I won't be here. Thanks for coming into my life." Arjun completed his speech and everyone clapped for him. Elders had tears in their eyes while Kamiya looked at him proudly. His friends smiled at him happily.

The host said, " We are really happy for you, Arjun. We want you to stay on the stage to give the next award. Pradeep Sir, you can go and start enjoying the show as before.

The Next Award is for the best author of the year and will see who is going to get the Award in the AV,"

" The best author of the year is Kamiya for her book, 'Everything Happens For A Reason'," Kamiya's image has been displayed in the AV.

The host said, " I think now you understood why I want you to give this Award. We request Mrs. Kamiya Arjun on the stage to receive the award,"

Kamiya stood up and started to walk towards the stage in ash color saree with a bulging belly while looking at Arjun with a happy smile. Yes, she is pregnant.

Arjun ran down and walked towards her. She asked him' what?' through her eyes.

He came near her. He lifted her bridal style and went towards the stage She asked him to put her down, but he didn't listen to her. She blushed as she noticed everyone looking at them with an awed look.

Once they reached the stage, he put her down. One girl came and give him the award. He gave it to her with a proud smile and she accepted it.

She hugged him and he kissed her forehead lovingly.

The host spoke, " Seriously, what a lovely couple? It's very good to see guys like this. Kamiya, how are feeling now?"

" Hi all, Thank you so much. I am so..... happy. He already thanked all the people who and all I want to thank.

I just want to special mention some of them. I want to thank my mom and dad for everything. My friends stood with me in every up and down. Thank you so much At last, My Arjun, Thank you so much. Seriously, If he is not in my life, then I won't be here.

He is one who wants me to take my passion when I don't have hope in myself. Thank you so much. I love you," Kamiya completed while looked at Arjun and he mouthed ' I love you too' to her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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