Finding Them

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Glaring angrily at the Batcomputer screen, Tim narrowed his eyes as they swept over lines of code.

Briefly, he remembered how Jules was the master of hacking and creating- he remembered how easily she found connections and broke codes and took down online opponents using her wits and her brains and her serious I-mean-business face.

He remembered how easily she took him down- a boy who had been coding and hacking effortlessly for years, with just a decoy firewall and a boot sector virus.

Grumbling, he shook the thoughts of her surfacing in his head and focused back on his work. Now was not the time to mourn. 

Now was the time to avenge.

He had managed to track down Snake's private server, and was busy hacking into it. Bruce, after spending a few more days in his room in mourning, finally came back down and alerted the JLA of Snake's last whereabouts, and currently worked away at his Batsuit, recalibrating the nanotech Jules so lovingly integrated in it for him.

Jason was on patrol with Damian and Dick, all of them out in the field collecting intel- a lot of which was popping up nowadays.

Babs set out notices for the police force, and Steph and Cass were training up to fight in the Cave.

Tim sighed loudly as he got in through 2 of the 4 firewalls, and he heard a clatter off to his right. 

"Master Timothy, please do be careful where you keep your coffee." Alfred murmured, picking up the empty cup from the floor, and setting it aside.

Bruce peered over at his son working the computer. "How close are you?"

"2 firewalls left."

"That's my boy." Bruce murmured, and Tim felt a soft smile trace over his lips.

Silently, they worked away, until all of a sudden Tim shot up. "I'M IN!"

Immediately Steph, Cass and Bruce came running to the computer, skidding to a stop as their eyes fell upon the words on the screen.

"Dear God." Alfred whispered.

Bruce gulped down the knot in his throat. "Evacuate the west end of the city. Now."


Lionel blinked away the fuzziness that overtook him and looked around.

It was...simple.  Simple, but something about it made it unearthly beautiful.

He stood in a  field that stretched out as far as he could see, a flat land blanketed in shimmering white. 

Poking out from the snow were a variety of wildflowers unseemingly affected by the bad weather, growing stronger and blooming in bright hues of color.

Lionel reached over and touched the snow, marveling as he felt no chill strike through his nerves.  It was rather cool, he thought, chuckling to himself at his small pun. Curiously, he ran his fingers through a bit of the snow, noting it felt like he was running his hands through warm fur.

"It's not snow, little one." A voice lilted behind him, and he spun around immediately, his jaws dropping when he saw the woman towering over him.

A pair of pale blue wings sprouted from Her back, adorned with soft feathers. Upon Her brow rested a twisted crown of thorns and roses, and Her face was...indescribably pretty, yet so commanding of respect.  Sheathed to Her sides were Her huge silvery swords, their blades just a tad bit larger than Lionel's height. Her battle armor shone in the ambient light, intricately gilded and carved to fit Her pear-shaped body. Her eyes were pits of purple, holding a thousand stars and truths, holding a thousands scenes from thousands of fights and battles, holding the pain of seeing bloodshed.

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