The Shadow Guardian

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Jules had done practically everything, but Bruce's decision would not be wavered. It had been three whole days of arguing, whining, pouting while sitting cross-legged upside down in the air, attempted escapes, and a lot of begging. 

 Tim had painfully watched knowing very well Jules was dealing with Bruce's overprotectiveness all because he had impulsively gotten her a bunny.

Damian had had his suspicions whilst taking the hare, but the shelter worker insisted it was just a big eared rabbit breed. Well, Damian didn't know much about bunnies, so he just went with it. After she had her allergic reaction, Damian had taken the hare back to the shelter and proceeded to yell at the shelter worker for a good 45 minutes. 

Alfred had taken her floppy self to her room and wrapped her in blankets, Tim profusely apologizing to a semi-conscious Jules who just grunted in reply, not willing to make the effort of sounding out words.

Alfred then proceeded to scold  Tim and  Damian  for a good hour, while Dick disinfected the room in which the hare was in and Jason recorded his two younger brothers getting berated by the irritated old man.

"Miss Julianne has been the victim of abuse, neglect, a grenade explosion, a demonic possession, and at least a hundred other things she refuses to tell us. Do not let her be the victim of your frivolity. I expect this sort of behavior from Master Jason, not from a well meaning boy like you."

"Touché, Alfie." Jason rolled his eyes.

"Sorry Alfred.... I was just, trying to make up to her." Tim muttered.

Alfred just sighed in defeat, turning to Damian.

"And you, young master?"

"Don't look at me. I was just along for the ride." 

"Wha-hey! You're the one that yanked me out of bed to go to Bo's place! You shoved all this on me! I was gonna apologize after the storm died down a bit more!"

"T-t, only because your troll brain takes a century just to form the beginnings of a proper apology. "

"You little-"

Just then, Bruce burst into the house. Apparently Dick had called Bruce and told him everything.

Jules recovered after a few hours, but Bruce had taken EXTREME measures.

No leaving the house, a hare could cross her path.

No playing with the other pets, the fur could somehow trigger another reaction.

No patrol, since apparently allergic reactions happen out of nowhere with zero triggers  and Jules could fall off  the Gotham Bank building while having an epileptic seizure and die

(Bruce was oddly specific for that one...)

Jules had tweaked her new Switchblade suit in the meantime, integrating a nanotech feature into the entirety of it, so now she could have the suit ready at all times and it would "grow " over her outfit if she pressed the button she integrated into her sun necklace. 

She modified her mask to be more aerodynamic and added an extension of her user interface AI, PATCH.

Bruce had tried to get her some more bedrest, but Jules had just stuck her tongue at him like a toddler and continued to hang upside down.

And after three days of hell, Jules had finally managed to convince Bruce that she wasn't going to straight-up die the second she saw anything that resembled a hare.


It was girl's day out, and Jules was on her way back from Tsuki's place. Tsuki's parents were out at work, so she and Jules had taken the liberty of cooking an awesome stir fry together as their lunch. Tsuki did Jules' nails (which now were a polished shade of metallic red) and they watched the Rocky Horror Picture Show  as well as the Incredibles, and read some creepypasta and Buzzfeed articles. All in all, not a bad day.

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