Chaos And Peace

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John Constantine clutched onto a handrail of the train he was on, eyes flitting over the almost empty car. He was returning home from his little side-quest when he went to de-possess the Cress kid.

And it was the strangest thing he ever saw.

The demon that had her clearly didn't want to 'harm' her, as it didn't leave behind any marking or claw her open as it left. It simply entered her, used her body as a ragdoll husk for its own, and left just as suddenly. 

Of course, the only reason why that demon managed to get in was because Cress' defenses were down completely- that girl was on the verge of death when the creature came- so that explained that part.

But as soon as Constantine had grabbed the girl's hand, he saw something.

Something that seemed like he was watching her memories?

He saw two people, a couple- a brunette woman with a bright, beautiful smile and a man with big amber eyes wearing a lab coat. Hands covered with ink and paint,  crayon drawings tacked to two walls, and big blue blueprints covering the others. 

Laughter, warmth, radiating from the smiling brunette, whose face was blurred. All their faces were blurred.

Were...were these Cress' parents?

Constantine looked down, remembering how her memories accidentally showed themselves to him. They were so bittersweet, even he was having a hard time letting go of the memory of her memories. Forgetting them seemed like a crime.

Dancing in a meadow, singing soft lullabies, wrenches and workshops and sawdust falling all around like snow. 

Her.... childhood. Before it all went to sh*t.

Whirring noises, a strange tunnel contraption lighting up with at least a thousand hues as a small baby watched, perched in the arms of the brunette, while the amber-eyed man rapidly worked away at a control panel, glancing over at them with a smile.

A kaleidoscope of colors, the cheers of the men, the silver metal contraption entering the tunnel.

A falter in the swirling lights, a glitch in the pattern.

Yelling, crying,running as the lights went red as the tunnel exploded, the world going black.

Waking up to falling ashes and dying fires, looking down to see  energy ripple over a small child's arms, looking over to see dozens of bodies littering the ground amongst the debris.  Pale and mangled, burnt and dismembered. A limp woman's arms around the girl, her eyes glassy and staring up at the sky. A man blown to bits.


Bursts of pain, a blur of houses, a blur of CPS agents and men in suits and training puzzles.

So many puzzles.

Constantine blinked, hearing his stop be called over the loudspeaker, and he stepped off the train.

That girl clearly wasn't a normal foster kid, and Constantine knew it. 

The demon that came to haunt her for such a short time clearly knew it.

So why did it leave when it clearly had so much trauma to work off of?


Jules sighed, rolling over in the bed.

 Mr. Wayne had ordered her to rest for at least a day, and with everything being factored in, she didn't want to worry him any further.

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