Kiss the Cook

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Jules grinned, watching Jason yank off his helmet and run his fingers through his hair, it being tousled from the ride. His aquamarine eyes glittered under the lamppost  that not only illuminated them to make them seem like they were glowing, but also lit up the otherwise dark Gotham street.

"So, why did you bring to wherever it is you brought me?" 

"Can't I hang out with my most favorite kid in the world ?" Jason chuckled, locking the bike, before taking Jules' helmet out of her hands.

"I'm not a kid," she grumbled, watching as Jason shoved the helmets into the backpack that slung off his shoulder.

She stared after him, wondering what thoughts were running through his brain that made him decide to take her out on a late night ride to this random street near the east end of the city. Shoving her hands in her pockets, she started following Jay as he crossed the street.

 He walked towards a dark alley, and Jules piped up again, immediately stopping in her tracks. Her gut started acting up again, and she felt the hairs stand up on the nape of her neck.

Something was off.

 " Jay! Maybe we shouldn't - what are you doing?" Jules stared in complete befuddlement as Jason yanked out his guns, each with a silencer atop it. Jules stepped back, raising an eyebrow.

 "Uhhh, we good, right?"

Jason let out a short bark of laughter. "Yeah, but that guy ain't. "

He fired it at the shadows in the alley, and a guy dropped to the ground, a bullet having torn through his chest, just above the heart.

"What the hell, Jay?!" Immediately Jules rushed over to the man."Sir, are you okay?"

The man whimpered and groaned in pain, cussing in... Italian?

Jules had an Italian background and knew her stuff, but this man spoke in a strange garbled version of it- maybe it was one of the variants of the language??

All she could understand was that he was saying something about  gorillas and staplers , but people don't typically say things like that when dying, so Jules probably wasn't translating properly.

Jason briskly walked over them, stepping over the fallen man. " Come on, doll, we haven't got all night."

"Y-You just randomly shot  this dude here! How the hell are you so freaking calm? Do you have zero emotional reaction to cold blooded murder?" She spluttered, pressing a hand to his wound, his blood staining her sleeves.

"I can answer both your questions by saying I have no morality and that I got rid of my conscience a few whiles back," Jay replied smoothly.

 The man hissed, before stuttering out words in Italian to Jules. 

"He's a poor old man! Why would you even think about shooting him? He was gonna die like in an hour or something anyways -no offense, Italian dude. " Jules looked down at the man, who blinked, before spluttering in Italian again.

"Papa's Pizzeria here is a predator who's been preying on little girls on the block and some spending time trying to figure out how to open my hideout thinking it was a gold mine of things to steal." Jason rolled his eyes. "About time someone put his pervert head in a guillotine. I suggest you let go of him."

The man coughed up blood, and Jules felt nothing but pity. Given his apparent age, he wouldn't make it, and he knew it, softly gazing at her and murmuring what sounded like... thanks?  His blood covered hands traced the edge of her face, as if taking in her features as the last thing he wanted to see.

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