The Lighthouse

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Ah. A creative energy explosion.

I've posted 3 chapters to 2 fanfics in 3 days in an effort to not be bored to death during my hybrid classes, and then I'm probably going ghost mode for another three weeks.

I've got finals coming up nxt month so don't expect this graciousness from me again.🤗🤗

Anyways, I forgot to add in the plot point that after Tim and Dami's little thing with Jules, they had to bury her/ give her a very private funeral. Bodies rot, guys. So rn , in this chapter, Jules is underground.

Also public was not informed yet- Bruce is barely able to cope with the fact she's gone, how can he talk about it to millions of people yet? The family took some time off paparazzi.

(As you can see, I'm still clearly out of it, since I missed such a big point.)

 Jumpy, out.


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"I see you have arrived. Faster than I thought you would, but being early is never a bad thing." 

"Explain. Now." Jason gritted his teeth, pointing his gun straight at the head, finger itching to pull the trigger.

Lionel turned around slowly,  staring down the barrel nonchalantly, before turning his attention to the stormy Bay waters, crashing up against the jagged, rocky shoreline. "Fair enough. I knew it would pique your attention."

"No riddles, Lionel, otherwise your brains will be on the floor faster than you know it."

"Want to know why I called you here?"

"The lighthouse? " Jason looked around, and back down the stairs from which he came. "Sure, we can start with that."

"Julianne Cress, the bright girl from Gotham. Bright in all of its senses. Smart, cute, a happy ray of sunshine. If you haven't noticed, there is rarely anyone else like her. She is, extraordinary, it it's greatest sense."

"Was." Jason corrected, ignoring the burning in his throat. Lionel swept over to the window, Jason turning along with him to continue having aim at his head. "She was."

"Was. Anyways, if you have a really bright light, shining nearly as bright as a sun, burning the darkness away, then you have need for it to be put in a special place. A place where she can stay, safe and sound, yet help guide others through the turbulent night."

"...a lighthouse." Jason muttered, eyebrows furrowed as more and more pieces to the puzzle were being uncovered.

"Yes." Lionel looked into his aquamarine eyes, nodding. "I didn't understand at first- but you've got it right away. Smart man."

"Continue," Jason growled, not lowering his gun.

"The Sanctum is the world's magical frontline of defense against the dark infernal worlds. Hell? Demons? Dealmakers with the Devil? Ra's Al Ghul's cult? All fall under things we protect the innocent from. So when I was simply assigned to Julianne Cress- the exact opposite of all the above, I was confused. But now it's all clear."

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