Chapter 50: Greyson

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Content warning: Casual use of recreational drugs. Specifically marijuana. If for any reason you're sensitive to the topic, consider skipping this chapter.

August 11

Mainland, Lake Joseph, Muskoka

Laughing like a complete lunatic, Ry stumbles across the dock, flopping down beside Liam and Sam on the double lounger.

It's nearly four in the afternoon and we've been sipping beer and lemonade shandies on the dock after Liam finally convinced his parents to let him live a little. Little did they know, drinking wasn't the only thing he'd had in mind as they'd agreed to let him have a few.

"Let's play a game, boys." Sam's eyes twinkle as she slides her sunglasses up, pushing her hair away from her face.

I hate it when Sam wants to play games. She always knows when I lie, it's like her superpower. I try not to fight her on it, though. I know she's only doing it to distract herself, to distract us all.

Floating on the big blue inner tube tied to the dock, I tip my sunglasses back down over my eyes. If she can't see them, hopefully, she won't know. The girl freaks me out sometimes. I love her, but yeah, I just can't fully trust a girl who's basically a human polygraph.

"I'm out. I have no secrets left after the last time we played one of your games, Sammy." Even as I say it, she yanks the tether, pulling the tube into the dock and leaping onto it with me.

"Don't be a spoilsport. I want to play." Her tone is childish, playful as she shuffles her feet and rocks the tube back and forth, splashing me with water, making it impossible for me to relax.

"Goddammit woman, just hold still before you step on something critical or destroy the jewels." Grabbing her in my arms as she laughs wildly, I restrain her, standing on the wobbly float with her flailing in my arms. "Keep it up Sammy, I'll throw you in."

"I'll take you with me." Her arms lock around my neck in a desperate attempt to cling to me as I pretend to toss her. The tube pitches dangerously, and I struggle to regain my balance while she thrashes and screams in my ear.

"Fuck, Sam. Hold still." Gaging the distance between the tub and the dock, I wonder if I can make it with her. I have no doubt I could do it myself, but not with the added buck forty in my arms, with legs kicking wildly every time we rock and tip.

Ry eventually takes pity on me, grabbing the tether and pulling us closer. I dump Sam unceremoniously on the dock, planting her ass on the hot wooden boards. She scowls at me, then grins and I can't help but roll my eyes at her. She's the most annoying person ever, but I can't help but like her.

Not liking Sam would be like not liking peanut butter. Even though it's an acquired taste, gets stuck to the roof of your mouth when you eat it too fast, and leaves you thirsty, you're still fond of it.

Sam's a little like that too. Takes some getting used to, sometimes sweet, sometimes salty and sarcastic, always gets her way, but you gotta love her.

More so now than ever, rely on my habitual bickering with Sam to keep things feeling even. I know she feels the same way. None of us are ready to talk about a future without Liam, not even Liam.

As irresponsible as it might seem, knowing what we know, we'll still take these days, pretending everything is normal. It's what he wants, it's what we all need.

Sam's voice pulls me out of my dark, spiraling thoughts. "How come you're so much nicer to Elle? I'd never see you dump her on her ass like that." She pulls a baseball hat on, hiding her rapidly freckling face from the sun.

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