Chapter 17: Elle

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June 26

Toronto, Ontario

Curled on the back seat of Mrs. Windsor's SUV, I shift closer to Greyson. Ryan's mum is driving us to Toronto to visit Liam. Even though both boys have their G2 driving license, our parents don't want them to drive so far after such an emotional event. Ryan's mum is joining us this time to see if the boys can later manage the drive home.

Ryan and Greyson's mums have each taken the boys for a visit, deciding to discuss together if they agree on letting the boys drive themselves in the future.

Greyson's tension has been building over the three hours in the car, his body stiff, his grip on my hand, hard. His knuckles are white as they grip the handle of the door. His eyes are closed, head tipped back against the seat.

I rub my cheek against his shoulder, stroking my free hand up and down his arm and shoulder. I can't tell if it brings him any comfort. "Do you want to talk, Greyson?" I speak quietly, so Ryan and his mum can't overhear.

He doesn't answer me, only tips his forehead down to rest against mine. I can feel his body vibrating slightly with tension, small shivers. I don't push him.

My mum and I woke up early this morning, baking fresh large blueberry muffins and making homemade bread for sandwiches, which I'd left on a platter, unassembled so everyone could build them to their preference. We made egg salad, sliced some ham and turkey, then cooked some bacon.

The familiar activities of baking and cooking soothed me, preparing me for the day ahead.

Mum arranged a fruit platter delivery large enough for an army that should arrive at the hospital later this afternoon. I also baked oatmeal cookies, a simple recipe with not too many ingredients if Liam isn't up to eating anything substantial. I'd researched with Mum on what was or wasn't appropriate for a patient in Liam's condition.

As we pull into the parking garage, I kiss Greyson's cheek, squeezing him once before climbing out.

I've met Ryan several times, but I don't really know him that well yet, only in passing. I hope to change that; I'm already captivated by his easygoing charm and innate kindness. Ryan helps me unload the baskets of baked goods and bread, handing them to me, before shouldering the big cooler containing drinks and sandwich fixings.

"Grey, take the plants Elle brought," Ryan's deep voice booms out, echoing in the garage.

I smile a bit nervously over at the boys, "I hope they aren't overkill."

"Don't you worry, Elle. He'll love them. It looks like a wedding in his room normally, all these fancy flowers in pretty vases. He'll dig these. As far as flowers go, they're more macho." The kind reassurance Ryan so casually sends my way eases my tension.

Theo told me that Liam loves everything outdoorsy, and his love of nature drives all his activities and interests. The hockey rink was basically the only indoor activity he tolerated. So, I'd gone to the nursery with Dad, buying local potted fauna, ferns, small potted pines. I'd purchased and planted a selection of local wildflowers, arranging them nicely in a long window box. If Liam couldn't be outside, then I'd thought to bring the outside to him.

Mrs. Windsor pays for parking, taking her small ticket with her as we all head to the elevators.

I thought I'd prepared myself for what to expect, but the pale, thin boy in the hospital bed still caught me off guard. Theo had shown me yearbook pictures before I'd come today, but I'm not sure it helped. This Liam was unrecognizable compared to those photos.

Liam's parents greet us, smiling at me as Mrs. Windsor, Jill, introduces me around, explaining I'd prepared food and treats for everyone.

Greyson jumps into action quickly, like he wants to keep busy. Setting the long flower box down on the ledge by the window, he introduces me, "I hope you don't mind my bringing Elle, I've known her all my life, and well, I already told you we recently started dating," his sentence hangs openly in the room a little awkwardly. I stare at him. It's the first time I've heard him say it. My heart flips over in my chest.

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