Chapter 30: Elle

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July 17

Toronto, Ontario

I pull Sam out of the taxi, practically drag her really, tugging her up through the gated drive of my house, entering my code at the alarm box.

I woke up early this morning after Ry, Greyson, and I spent the night here to tidy and prepare everything for today.

"I promise, Sam. Liam will be fine with the boys. You need a little R&R and some girl time, I promise you'll be back at the hospital before Liam's tests later."

Ryan, Greyson, and I have planned to divide-and-conquer today. They want some time with Liam, planning to take him to the park down the road from the hospital and just hang out, guy time they'd said.

Despite Sam's objections, I know this will be good for her. I'm not sure when she last just took a moment to herself. My job this afternoon is to make sure she does precisely that.

On the agenda: Poolside lunch, which is already ordered, a little swim, then I'd bought face masks, and I'd even convinced my favorite nail salon, Kimberley's, to send two of their team members for at-home manicures and pedicures.

I pull her with me up to my bedroom and hand her a spare bathing suit. She's much taller and slenderer than I am, so I loan her one with strings that she can adjust to suit her slim body.

Sighing, she takes it from me and starts to change. I hand over the sun lotion, extra sunglasses, and a towel before I change into my suit.

Ten minutes later, I'm sitting on the edge of the pool, dangling my legs in the water. Music rolls out softly from the outdoor speakers, and Sam's stretched out in the sun on a lounge chair, still slightly fidgety but relaxing a little more with each moment.

Sliding into the pool, I smile. "Jump in, Sam, water's perfect."

I watch as she turns over onto her side, looking over at me. Rolling her eyes, she tosses the glasses aside and jumps in the water. I watch her for a minute, seeing the small, brief look of pleasure that slides across her face. Sam's a competitive swimmer, so I know she's missed this feeling.

She swims a few laps, then rolls to her back, floating. I let myself drift over to float beside her, turning my head to look at her.

Neither of us speaks, content to float in silence. I don't want to pressure Sam to talk or do anything, I only want to give her a small break in a difficult time.

The intercom buzzes from the door, and I climb out to race through the house, wet feet sliding on the wood and tile. I must have been floating there for a long time if lunch is already here.

I pay for the delivery and head back out. I've ordered fresh salads from my favorite shop downtown with fresh fruit smoothies and lemon squares for dessert. I grab a baguette and butter on the way through the kitchen.

Sam's already out of the water when I walk through the glass doors to the pool. We sit happily in the sun, letting the warmth dry us, chatting easily about nothing in particular while we eat.

"Tell me about your family, Sam. Your brother studies out west, any other siblings?"

"Do four-legged siblings count?"

I laugh, "They absolutely do."

"Then, I have another younger brother, my dog, Joey. Everyone says I picked him, but really, he picked me. I was volunteering at the animal shelter downtown, and there he was, this flea-ridden mangy dog who just walked over and sat on my feet."

"When did you adopt him?"

"He's nine; we've had him for four years now. Took some doing with my parents, that's for sure. Mom wanted a Poodle, can you imagine?"

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