Chapter 2: Elle

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June 12

Loon Call Island, Lake Rosseau, Muskoka

There's nothing like the feeling of freedom in the summer.

I have one week until I start my summer job over at the Minett Marina. I've only just found out from Theo that Greyson and I will work together this summer, which makes me very anxious. But, I have one entire week to sort that out and figure out how I'll deal with Greyson then. First, relax a little, second, compete in the first summer horse show, then deal with Greyson.

I'm sitting at the end of my dock in the sunshine, toes dangling down into the water. I can barely reach the surface, but they just skim the water ever so slightly. Today, my toenails are a pretty bright pink; I think it's called 'to dive for' by OPI. My mum's nuts for the brand and the cute names, so we have like fifty colours at any given moment in her vanity. I drag the tips of my toes lightly across the surface of the water, and the temperature is perfect.

On the agenda for the day? Wakeboarding. Even though I haven't quite figured out the wakeboard or water ski thing yet, and the boys tease me mercilessly when I fall before even making it up all the way, I'm looking forward to the day.

When I see the boat turning into my dock from around the point, I stand and grab a towel from the boathouse, and the sweater I left in Dad's boat, just in case. I stuff both into the small overnight bag I've packed in the event I sleep somewhere else.

I wave at the boys, as the boat slows at the very last moment. Theo doesn't pull up all the way, just edges the bow close to the dock so I can jump in.

I take Hudson's outstretched hand and make the leap. He grips my fingers firmly when I wobble a little as the boat rocks in the waves, steadying me with his other hand on my waist before stepping back to let me jump down from the bow seats.

"Hey Ellie," Theo kisses my cheek as I walk through the open partition between the windshield.

I smile back at him, dropping my things under the passenger side console. Of all the boys, Theo is the most contradictory. He's sweet and gentlemanly, but he's also totally girl crazy and has a bit of a reputation for being a heartbreaker.

His dashing good looks certainly don't hurt. But, he's always extra careful with me, whereas the others tend to forget I'm about half their size and often seem to forget their own strength when we're goofing around. They have patched me up and apologized to me more times than I can count when our antics get a bit too rough. Although Theo especially knows exactly how to push every single one of my buttons, and often does.

At the start of the school year, Theo appointed himself to the role of my protector. His brotherly concern for me all year had been touching, but a little stifling.

Other boys don't even think about approaching with him and Hudson glowering at everyone. I can practically see the idea come to life in their eyes, only to be smothered instantly after one look from Hudson or Theo.

While this year, I hadn't wanted boys to take an interest in me, I wonder what will happen when I do.

My one consolation is that Hudson and Theo aren't half as intimidating as Greyson or Brodie. I was secretly glad when Brodie graduated, leaving me to my first years in high school without his hawk-like radar.

Brodie was obsessed with looking out for me, for Tess and Steph too, but it was beyond intense.

I love all my boys, more than anything but I feel like they wrap me in bubble wrap sometimes and all I want to do is live; risks, rewards, love, heartbreak - all of it, but they continuously try to intercept any potential risks before they come my way. Hudson is the only one who really challenges me, pushes me, lets me pick myself up again when I fall.

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