Chapter 40: Elle

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July 30

Loon Call Island, Lake Rosseau, Muskoka

"Happy birthday, Elle." Greyson's voice is so serious, so soft. I snuggle into his chest when his arm wraps around me as we boat to Hudson's.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" His whisper by my ear makes me shiver, so do his fingers as they trace gently down my bare back.

I love that he's asked, rather than assumed. "Let me think about it," I tease.

I shift in his arms and reach up to run my fingers through his hair as an adorable lopsided grin stretches across one side of his mouth. Grabbing the open collar of his shirt, I pull him down to place a soft kiss on the uninjured, smiling side of his lips. "Okay," I can't imagine not wanting him to be there.

A loud whoop pulls my attention away from Greyson as Theo pulls up in his boat beside us, slowing down at the last minute, so the waves from his wake rocks us wildly. Greyson grabs my waist with one hand, gripping the windshield with the other to keep us steady.

I'm laughing as I throw one of our loose bumpers at Theo, hitting him square in the chest with a wet thump.

He throws it back into our boat, laughing back at us, "Happy birthday, Ells Bells!"

We tie the boats off, and I notice Ryan's boat is already pulled into the guest bay. Theo lifts me off my feet, spinning me in circles, kissing both my cheeks, then smacking a loud, dramatic, and entirely platonic kiss to my lips with a grin. "Over halfway to thirty. How's it feel?"

I smack him on the chest as he puts me down. "I might be more than halfway to thirty, but I'll always be younger than you." I stick my tongue out at him, like the bratty child he often thinks I am.

We make our way up to the main cottage and around to the cabin Hudson lives in.

Hudson walks out wearing his bathing suit, a party hat, glittery sweet sixteen paper eyeglasses, and a noisemaker between his lips. He's followed by Ryan, who makes a beeline for Greyson.

I hear them whispering, right before Hudson snatches me away from Theo, bending down so I can wrap my arms around his neck for a big hug. He stands, letting me dangle above the ground as he spins me in circles, squeezing hard. "Happy birthday, Ellie, my love."

As he squeezes me tighter, he whispers, "Jesus, Elle. What happened to Grey's face?"

I realize then that Hudson is the only one who hadn't seen Greyson yesterday. "Um, he sort of got into a fight."

"No shit. With?"

"Dan, from work. He crossed a line at work with me again. Greyson doesn't know I told you about the first time, he was really angry that I didn't tell him." Hudson sucks in a breath, shocked.

"Why didn't you tell me? Never mind, we can talk later. I've got you, Elle. Don't worry, I won't say anything." He spins me again, putting on a show, so we don't look like two people telling secrets in a crowd.

"Stop monopolizing the birthday girl," Theo shouts.

Hudson drops me back on my feet, and I wobble a little, dizzy from the spinning. I grab his arm to balance myself, laughing.

"Happy Birthday, Elle." Ryan drops a simple, gentle kiss on my cheek with a wink, offering me a bunch of hand-picked wildflowers. I run my hand up and down his arm, touched by the sweet gesture.

"Thanks, Ryan. These are so beautiful."

"Don't let my mom see them; I took them from her garden."

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