Chapter 40

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Dex and I are spending a pleasant Saturday morning lounging in his bed. I know this time is short-lived because as the hockey season gets further along, he'll have games on Saturdays too so I'm going to enjoy it while I can. As much as I don't want to move, my stomach betrays me as it suddenly makes a loud noise and I cringe, dropping my hand to my belly. Dex turns to me with a laugh and a smile, "As much as I'd love to keep you in this bed all day, I guess I should feed you. Let's find some clothes and go get food."

We both crawl out from under the warm comforter to find clothes. I quickly change into some clean cotton panties before grabbing my jeans from the floor and pulling them on. I slip out of my tank and turn my back to Dex, in an attempt to keep us both from climbing back into bed, as I secure my bra. I tug my t-shirt over my head and then pull my hair out from the neck hole where it's stuck underneath the fabric. I slide my arms back into my jacket and grab my Converse out of my bag before tossing my dirty clothes inside. When I turn back to face Dex I watch as he slides his jeans up and over his black boxer briefs. He takes a couple steps towards his dresser and opens the drawer, pulling out a gray t-shirt. He grabs the hoodie from his desk chair and yanks it down over his head before sliding his baseball cap over his hair.

As we open his door to leave, I can't help but giggle when I hear Chris and Avery in the next room. While I initially find it amusing, I can't help but wonder if they heard Dex and I last night or this morning which causes embarrassment to replace the humor. Dex takes my hand and leads me down the stairs. Logan is sprawled across the couch, watching TV.

"We're going to get some food, you hungry?" Dex asks, inviting Logan to join us.

"No dude, I'm good. Thanks," Logan says.

"Okay. See ya," Dex says over his shoulder as we walk out the door.

I'm staring out the window as we drive. The city is gray and cloudy today, and it almost looks like it might rain. I hold my cold fingers up against the vent to let the warm air hit them. Dex's hand reaches over and touches my thigh, "What are you thinking about over there?" he asks.

"Sorry. I was completely spacing out, wasn't I?" I reply, not really answering his question.

He looks at me with a small smile. "Just a little. Anything specific on your mind?" he asks again.

I turn my face back toward the window taking in the sights as we drive, "No, just looking at the city and wondering what it will be like to spend a winter here. I've visited during the winter and I've seen snow before, but I have a feeling that living here all winter is going to be quite the experience."

He laughs, "Yeah. I'm sure it will be completely different from your usual winter. You're definitely going to need a warmer coat soon." He reaches up and tugs at my sleeve a little. He's right, it's only October and I'm already cold.

Dex finds a parking spot and we climb from the Rover. He takes a few large strides and quickly joins me on my side of the car. He catches ahold of my hand and we begin to walk across campus together. We end up sitting at a table in Fuller's Pub eating lunch. I get a sandwich and Dex decides on a burger, then we share a basket of fries. I casually steal one of his dill pickle slices after eating all of my own. "You can have them all, I don't like dill pickles," he says and I quickly devour them. I hadn't realized how hungry I had gotten after not really eating dinner last night or breakfast this morning.

We get up to leave and my phone buzzes from its spot in my back pocket, but my hands are cold so I leave them tucked in my jacket pockets as we walk back to the car. I pull my phone out before sitting down in the car and see a new text from Kat, *So...did you have fun at the game last night?

I type a quick reply, but I know that I'll have to call her later to give her the full story. *It was so fun! You'll have to come back so you can go to one with me. Plus, Pat keeps asking about you 😉

Dex and I decide to go to my and Kristin's apartment instead of back to the house. This way we can have a little more privacy. While I have my messages open, I send a quick one to Kristin too, *Are you coming home tonight?

My phone buzzes twice and I look down to see two new messages, one from Kat and one from Kristin. I read Kat's first, *Tell Pat I miss him too 😊 Kristin's says *Nope. Staying at Luke's again. I'll text you in the morning. Maybe we can get coffee.

"Looks like we've got the apartment for the night. Kristin is staying a Luke's again," I smile after confirming that we will actually get some uninterrupted alone time. I set my phone down in the cup holder and take his hand as he reaches out to hold mine while he drives. Dex pulls into the driveway and parks beside Kristin's car.

"Thought you said she wouldn't be home?" he raises his eyebrows as he asks.

"She isn't. We rode with Courtney to the game last night, so her car is here but she isn't," I explain.

Inside the apartment we flip the TV on and get comfortable on the couch. I can't help but think back to the first time we sat on this couch together. So much has happened in such a short amount of time. I slide closer to Dex and press my lips to the side of his throat, creating a small trail until I meet his lips. After a quick kiss I pull back to look at him.

"Do you remember the first time we sat here together?" I whisper against his ear.

"How could I forget. It was extremely difficult to control myself that night because all I really wanted to do was take you back into the bedroom and fuck you," his voice is rough and I can hear the hunger building in him. My body has instantly turned to jelly and I know he can see the effect his words have on me. He stands, reaching for my hand and pulling me up from the couch and I know he's about to show me what he really wanted to do that first night and I follow him willingly.

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