Chapter 26

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I'm ecstatic. It's finally the weekend, which means I'll get some real time with Dex. He has practice this morning, but then we'll have the rest of the day and all day tomorrow together. I'm trying to focus on some of my homework assignments this morning, that way I won't have to think about school again until Monday. Kristin is home now too, but I know she's planning to go to Luke's for the weekend, so the apartment will be empty for a couple days.

I'm in the kitchen getting a cup of coffee and slicing some strawberries, when Kristin comes down the hallway. She has her phone in her hand, texting someone. "Mia, could you please grab me one of the caramel k-cups," she asks with a yawn. I grab another mug and the coffee pod. I pop the pod into the machine and push the flashing blue light as the mug begins to fill with dark steaming liquid. "Thanks, you're a life saver. This research paper is killing me, I was up half the night working on it. Coffee is the only way I will be able to function today," she manages a small smile.

"I'm sure once you see Luke, you'll be wide awake," I laugh. "You are still planning to stay at Luke's tonight, right?"

She looks up from her phone, "Yes, but there's been talk of having a small party." Her eyes move back to her phone. I finish slicing my berries and then pour them on top of my vanilla yogurt. I take my bowl and mug over to the couch and sit down. Kristin takes a couple minutes, adding cream and sugar to her coffee before she joins me on the couch. "So, Court and I have been working on some birthday plans for next week," she says with excitement. So that's who she's been texting.

My birthday falls on Thursday and I'm curious to see what the two of them have come up with. I smile at her, "I can't even imagine what you two have planned."

She gives me a huge grin. She loves planning stuff like this. "Well, since your birthday is Thursday, we actually broke it down over multiple days. My parents really want to take you out on Thursday, especially since your mom and dad aren't coming. I thought Courtney and I can go with you on Friday to get your birthday tattoo, that is if you want to do it without Kat, and maybe we could do dinner and drinks. Saturday we were thinking a group outing, maybe a dance club. How does that sound?" she asks with excitement twinkling in her eyes.

"Amazing. That sounds completely perfect. Thank you for planning all of that, I can't wait," I say.

I finish eating my yogurt and berries and then I take my dishes to the kitchen. After rinsing both my bowl and coffee mug, I place them in the dishwasher and head back down the hallway towards my bedroom. I grab a bag and throw some clothes in for the weekend. Now to decide what I'm going to wear today. I decide on a pair of skinny jeans and a simple black tunic sweater. Underneath I decide to wear something sexier for later. I have a deep purple push up bra with lace accents and matching hip hugging lace panties. After I'm dressed, I pull on my new riding boots, they look perfect with this outfit. I apply some light make-up, using just eyeliner and mascara.

I grab my phone and plop myself on my bed, sitting up against the cushions. I flip the TV on, but turn the volume down. I pull up "Mom" in my contacts and hit the call button. She answers almost immediately and it's so good to hear her voice. I ask about her plans of getting a new dog and she tells me that she changed her mind. I'm thankful that Kat talked her out of that idea. She apologizes profusely for not making the trip to Boston, but I tell her it's okay and share all the plans that Kristin has made to make it a special day for me.

"Mom, I do have something else to share with you," I say nervously.

"What is it? Are you okay?" she asks her voice suddenly full of concern.

I take a deep breath and start speaking, "I'm fine, Mom. It's good news. I met someone, a guy."

She's quiet for a minute. I know she's probably worried because of my horrible break-up with Zack. "Well, who is he? How did you meet?" she asks wanting to know more.

"His name is Dex and he's actually Kristin's boyfriend's brother. Kristin introduced me to him the first week I was here. He's on the hockey team and I really like him, Mom. I mean like really like him, actually I might almost be falling in love with him," the last part comes out in a whisper.

I'm met again with silence and then when she starts talking, I can tell that she's crying. "Mia, it sounds like you've developed feelings for this boy really fast. I'm so glad that you've found someone to spend time with. I know that Zack was terrible to you, so I hope this boy treats you the way you deserve to be treated. I just want you to be careful with your heart."

"Don't cry, Mom. You'll make me cry," I say as tears are already rolling. "Dex is completely different from Zack. I know it's new and exciting, but it really feels special. I wish you could meet him."

"I wish I could too, honey. I'm happy that he's making you feel this way, you really do deserve to be with someone who makes you happy. I love you sweetheart," she says with her voice still shaking.

"I love you too, Mom," I reply through my own silent tears. We say our goodbyes and hang up.

I decide to text my mom a photo so she can see the happiness on my face. I open my photo gallery, scrolling through a few recent pictures. I was able to capture a few of Dex and I together, plus a couple of him alone. Somehow, he manages to be both adorable and sexy at the same time. I choose one of us together and text it to her. I open Instagram, deciding to share the same photo with the caption, "making new friends in Boston 💖" then I tag Dex. The last photo I posted was of me and Kristin getting ready for my welcome party, both in our bikinis. I scroll through some of the comments and notice that Zack has commented on the bathing suit picture. His comment is simply the fire emoji for "hot". I had unfollowed him before I even left California, but apparently, he's still following me. I keep scrolling and see a cute picture that Kat has posted, so I tap the little heart on the screen and then close the app.

My phone buzzes and I read the reply text from my mom, *You make a very cute couple. Glad to see you looking so happy!

I type a quick, *Thanks Mom! 😊

I've just set my phone down when I hear it buzz again. It's Dex already. I'm incredibly thankful that I was able to distract myself all morning. He's leaving the arena now, so he'll be at the apartment soon to pick me up. I turn my TV off and pick up my bag. I'll wait for him to get here in the living room. Half an hour later I see him pull into the driveway. I say a quick goodbye to Kristin and tell her to have fun, with a smile and a wink.

She laughs and says the same to me, adding "I'll text you later if we decide to have a party." If only she knew the fun that I'm intending to have with Dex tonight. I walk out the door and climb into the Range Rover.

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