Chapter 25

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Thursday is dragging. It's almost one o'clock in the afternoon and I still haven't heard from Dex. I guess we're not meeting for lunch. I stop at the food hall and grab a quick cup of coffee and a cranberry muffin before journeying to my English class. I decided to take a creative writing class this semester as an English elective. I'm having a little trouble with it though. I just can't seem to come up with any original ideas to focus on while I'm writing.

I arrive to the classroom fifteen minutes early, but luckily, it's already open so I can go in and sit down. I pull out my laptop and power it up so that I'll be ready to go when class starts. I take a minute to type a quick message to Dex, *Missed you at lunch. In class now, I'll text you later. I hit send and slide my phone back into my bag. My classmates file in slowly over the next ten minutes, and then the professor starts. He gives us an assignment to start a short story, and he wants them loosely based on an existing fairy tale. At least that will make it a little easier for me, having a starting point. Now I'll just need to figure out which fairy tale I want to use. The rest of the class goes quickly and soon I'm putting my laptop away and leaving the building.

Kristin has promised to finally try the barre class with me today, so I stop outside and type a message to her, *Are you still planning to meet me for barre at the fitness center?

My phone buzzes and then immediately buzzes again. I look down at the screen to see a new text from Dex and a response from Kristin.

Kristin's says, *I'll be there!

I send her a quick thumbs-up emoji before opening Dex's message. *Sorry about lunch. I have weight training this afternoon and then practice on the ice after. I'll call you later.

I type a simple *okay, talk to you later in response and hit send.

I walk back to where Kristin and I parked this morning. She gave me a spare key for times just like this. I unlock the door and set my backpack in the back seat, then I reach in and grab my gym bag. I close the door and lock the car again before traveling down the path towards the fitness center.

I navigate my way through the large building to the women's locker room nearest to the fitness class rooms. I change into my workout pants and sports bra and then I pull my long hair up into a knot on top of my head. Just as I'm about to walk out, Kristin comes into the room a little flustered.

"Sorry, I know I'm running a little late, but I ran into Luke when I walked by the weight training area," she smiles at me. I remember Dex's message about a weight training session but I hadn't really been paying attention when I walked by that area.

She starts to change and I ask, "Was Dex there too?"

"Yeah, I think he was doing some work with the new freshman," she replies.

"I'm going to run out there really quick to see him," I flash a smile in her direction before disappearing out the door. I walk around the corner to see the weight area is full with guys. I have no trouble finding Dex in the group. He doesn't see me, but I see a few of the other guys looking in my direction. I stand back, trying to stay out of the way since the hockey team is using the area, as I watch him doing a chest press. As I'm waiting and admiring the view, I hear a few of the guys making comments about my body and daring each other to come over and talk to me. They obviously don't realize or don't care how loudly they're talking.

Next, I hear Dex's deep voice, "Hey, we're here to work out not check out the girls. Get the fuck back to work." I giggle to myself at his words.

I see Luke from the corner of my eye, and I know he's been close enough to hear the whole conversation too. He starts laughing because he knows it's me that they're talking about and he says, "Dex, just let these new kids have a little fun. I don't think they've ever seen a girl like this one before." Dex slides his body down and sits up on the bench and his eyes meet mine.

"Good taste boys," his smile lights up his face. "Which one of you is going to go over and talk to her?" he asks with a laugh. I can help but smile and I can see Luke laughing too. All their eyes go towards the floor, suddenly to nervous or embarrassed to accept the challenge and come over to say anything to me, despite all the comments they had been making only minutes before. Dex stands and I can see his eyes darken as he starts to walk in my direction, causing a rush of warmth to surge through my body. I hear him say, "Well if none of you are going for her, then I'm going." His eyes rake over my body as he continues to walk towards me full of confidence.

"Hello there, beautiful," his voice is deep and husky, making me wish we weren't in the middle of the gym.

"Hi. Kristin and I are about to take a barre class, so I thought I'd sneak over here to see you for a second before we start," I say with a smile.

"A few of the new boys over there seemed to be pretty distracted by some amazing looking female with a hot body. I tried getting them focused back on weight lifting, but then I looked up and realized that they were checking out my girl. I can see why they're all staring, because you look fucking hot. Now I have to go back there and tell them all to keep their fucking eyes off you, because you're mine," he practically growls. My cheeks flush at his words. I'm excited by his claim on me and I take a step closer to him, placing my hand on his chest.

"So, maybe we should give them a little show and then they'll know that I'm yours," I say desperately wanting him. He flashes a wicked smile and turns to look over his shoulder. I take a peek too and see all the guys standing there watching, chins dropped, practically touching the floor in disbelief. He turns back to me and raises his hand to my cheek, cupping my face as he leans over and kisses me deeply. My knees feel weak as I surrender to him. Our kiss breaks all too quickly, I want more. I can see in his dark eyes that he does too, but we both have to wait.

His lips touch my ear as he whispers, "I missed you, Baby. Seeing you in that outfit makes me want to do so many things to your body. I'm not sure I can focus on my work out now."

"I missed you too," I somehow manage to fumble the words out. "I should, uh, head to my barre class before it starts." I'm not sure how I'm going to work out now either. I feel like I should be headed back into the locker room for a cold shower.

"I'll text you later when I leave the arena," he says before turning to walk back towards the weight bench. I hear the other guys start to hoot and holler as I walk away. Dex's deep voice rings over the rest, "Now will you boys shut the fuck up and get back to work?" I smile to myself.

"That was fucking amazing," I hear an unknown voice say as the younger guys continue to make comments and congratulate Dex on his accomplishment. Just as I'm turning the corner to go back into the fitness classroom area, I hear Luke's humor filled voice, "That's his girlfriend you stupid fucks. You were all just checking out your captain's girl." I laugh as I can only imagine the stunned looks on all their faces.

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