Chapter 13

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The next few days go by quickly and quietly, and although Kristin and I haven't really amounted to much, the days still seem to blur together. We have dinner again with Uncle Jack and Aunt Madi, but this time Luke comes along too. I check in a couple times with Mom and Dad and everything seems to be continuing on as normal back at home. Of course, Kat is also keeping me up to date with her multiple daily text messages and posts on Instagram. She really wants to know about the boy situation here in Boston and on the BU campus, but I've been doing my best at avoiding that topic. Dex and I have also been texting a little, which has been exciting and fun, but I'm not ready to mention that to my sister yet. I have however suggested the idea that she and my parents make the trip to Boston in a few weeks for my birthday. I am turning twenty-one after all, and it would feel so strange not to be with them on my birthday. She promised she would work on them, but apparently Dad's been pretty busy at work lately.

Friday is here and I can't believe that classes are actually starting on Monday. I'm so excited to get started, but I'm glad that I decided to begin my first semester at BU with just three classes. I want to give myself a little time to get adjusted to the new campus before piling on too much school work. I tend to be a tiny bit of a perfectionist and I know if I put too much pressure on myself it will not end well, and I really don't want to end up failing any classes. Thankfully during the transfer process my advisor had agreed whole heartedly when she was helping me get registered for the fall semester.

I really feel like I should do something today, and my eye catches on the group fitness calendar I had grabbed from the fitness and rec center. I grab the paper and take a peek to see if anything looks promising for today. I decide to try a barre class. I throw on some cute workout clothes and then toss a change of clothes in my small gym bag. Kristin's sitting out in the living room, spacing out into the TV. I try to convince her to come along and try the class too, but she says, "I'm not really feeling it today." She does offer to drive me over to campus though, saying she'll just hang out at Luke's until I'm done. I can't wait to try the class. I love anything that involves dance inspired fitness, especially with fun music. I spent many of my teenage years going to Jazzercise classes with my mom.

Kristin drops me off and tells me to call or text her when I'm done, then she drives away. Campus is definitely busier now that students have returned, it's amazing the difference a couple weeks can make. I walk into the fitness center, making my way to the group class rooms. There are more people than I expected, but I find a spot and class starts right on time. Before I know it, my legs are shaking like crazy and I have a trail of sweat running down my back. It ends up being a great workout, I'm sure I'll take another barre class at some point.

When class ends, I am in desperate need of a shower, so I make my way to the locker room. I unzip my gym bag and take out my phone, sending a message to Kristin so that she knows I'm done and I'm going to take a quick shower. I step into the shower stall and pull the curtain closed, feeling refreshed as soon as the water hits my sticky skin. I'm just about finished when I hear voices enter the area.

"So, he just stopped answering," one says.

"I just can't believe it, Rachel. You were together for almost a year, is he just going to throw that all away?" I hear a different voice ask.

Something clicks in my brain...wait! It's a girl, named Rachel. She was in a relationship with someone for almost a year and now that person has stopped answering...could this be THE Rachel? Is this Dex's Rachel? I know realistically there could be hundreds of Rachel's on the BU campus, and I really shouldn't be eavesdropping but I can't stop myself. I feel the need to hear more, so I keep listening.

"I've told him like a hundred times that I'm sorry and I make a mistake. At first, he just kept saying he didn't want to hear it, but now he won't even answer my calls or texts. I even tried going to the house, but Logan and Chris were there and they wouldn't let me in. They actually told me to leave." I hear a third voice chime in, determining that this must be Rachel.

I reach up and turn the water off and slowly step from the shower, wrapping myself in a towel. I try to dry off casually, glancing in the direction of the voices. Two of the girls look slightly familiar, and I get a twinge of fear, wondering if maybe they were at my welcome party and that they might recognize me. One of the girls places a hand on another's shoulder saying, "Rach, he just has to take you back. I'm sure he'll forgive you." Rachel appears to be a petite brunette, almost fairy-like with small and slightly pointy features. She's definitely pretty and thin, with only slight curves in her bust and hips. As I'm observing them it becomes apparent that I've been watching for too long, when one of the girls catches my attention and snaps, "Can we help you?"

Luckily, I've managed to dress myself enough to leave the room. "Uh...sorry," I mutter as I make a quick escape.

"Nosey much," I hear one of them say as the door closes behind me.

My heart feels like it might leap right out of my chest as I make my way back through the building and outside to find Kristin waiting for me. My mind is going a mile a minute as I try to think about what I just heard and saw. I've seen Rachel. She's attractive and obviously still wants Dex, but will he take her back? We've been texting playfully all week, and she did say he stopped responding to her, maybe that means something?

The small group I've become friends with through Kristin is supposed to be going out tonight and I'm hoping Dex will show up too. Kristin and I are going to meet Luke there along with Tyler and Courtney. Logan and Cami might show up too, now that she's done working for the summer. Maybe if I see Dex tonight it will give me some of the answers I'm looking for.

Kristin can instantly read the look on my face, "Oh no. What happened?" she asks. I start telling her everything I heard in the girl's locker room. "So, she doesn't know who you are or that you know Dex?" she questions.

"Well, no. I really just got caught eavesdropping on their conversation. But, the two girls with her did look a little familiar, what if they were at the party and they recognized me?" I ask with slight concern.

Kristin is quick to brush off my worry, "Who cares. That's not a big deal. Even if they did recognize you, we were just at a party having fun. I doubt they would remember you anyway, some of those girls drank a lot that night."

I think about it for a minute and then finally say what I've really been thinking since I heard their conversation, "But...she really seems to want him back. What if I'm just like a distraction for him until he decides to forgive her and take her back?"

Kristin glances in my direction while still trying to focus on driving. "I have known Dex for a while and I've seen the way he looks at you and how he acts when he's around you. I'm also the one who received multiple texts practically begging for your number. There is absolutely no way he's using you as a placeholder. I think maybe she's just realizing how good she actually had it and how bad she screwed up when she let him go. When we get home, you're going to change into something cute and forget all that shit you heard. Those girls don't know anything. Let's just go out and have a fun night."

Back in the comfort of my bedroom I still can't seem to process the events of the past hour. I decide to take Kristin's advice and just try to enjoy a night out with my new friends. I change into a pair of my favorite skinny jeans and pick a slim fitting scoop neck top. The push-up factor of my white lace covered bra isn't really necessary, but I like the way it's enhancing my bust line under the scoop neck. My long blonde hair cascades down my back in beachy waves, and I grab my make-up bag to add a little eyeliner and mascara, trying to keep the make-up minimal. Finally, I slide my feet into a pair of wedge heel sandals and turn one last time, checking myself in the mirror. I meet Kristin in the living room and she's ready to go. She looks amazing in her skinny jeans and black halter top. Her hair is pulled up in bun, accentuating her neckline and allowing her large gold hoops to be displayed. She looks at her phone as it beeps. "The group is all on their way, we should get going to meet them," she smiles.

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