Chapter 29

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Dex pulls into the driveway of a generous two-story home with white siding and black shutters. The large lawn is still mostly green, but the leaves that have already started to fall are scattered around, creating small brown speckles. Just looking at the yard I can imagine Dex and Luke as small boys, chasing each other around.

"Here we are," he says turning to me with a smile. He brings his hands up to my cheeks, looking directly into my eyes. "Stop worrying. We're just going to have some delicious food and a little visit, no pressure," he says leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on my lips.

The butterflies that I had tried to suppress now feel like something much larger, doing flips in my stomach. I'm not sure I'll be able to eat anything if this feeling doesn't subside at least a little. I manage to nod, giving him a small smile in return before opening my door and stepping out of the Rover. Dex takes large strides around the car and clasps my hand as we walk together towards the door. The amount of confidence exuding from him helps alleviate some of my nervousness.

We step inside and I can hear Kristin's laughter echoing through the house. She is obviously comfortable here; despite the initial impression she must have made. Her and Luke do have two years together, where Dex and I don't even have two months.

"Dexter, is that you?" I hear a woman's melodic voice coming towards the door.

"It's me, Mom," his deep voice echoes off the walls as he leads me down the hallway and into a large open concept kitchen. Kristin and Luke are seated at a large breakfast bar, each holding a steaming mug of what I assume is coffee. Kristin smiles at me and I give her a small wave. She looks much more put together this morning than I feel. A tall woman is standing on the opposite side of the kitchen island. She's facing them, with her back to me and Dex. She has the same chocolate brown hair that Dex has and it sits just above her shoulders. She turns and gives her son a wide, enthusiastic smile.

"Dexter!" she exclaims walking forward and embracing him tightly.

"Morning, Mom," he says as if she's squeezing all the breath out of him. She lets go and looks in my direction. He gestures towards me, "Mom, this is my girlfriend, Mia." She smiles and I smile back, but my mouth has gone so dry that I can't speak. He squeezes my hand, "Mia, this is my mom, Maggie."

"It's so nice to meet you," we say at the exact same time which causes us both to let out a small laugh.

"Would either of you like some coffee or juice?" Maggie asks.

"I would love some coffee," I answer. Dex walks over to the cabinet and grabs two mugs, pouring us each a cup. He opens the refrigerator and holds up two bottles of creamer, "Vanilla or caramel?" he asks.

"Caramel," I say walking towards him and grabbing the bottle from his hand. As I pour my creamer into the mug, I notice a delightful cinnamon smell filling the room. "Something smells absolutely delicious," I say realizing how hungry I actually am.

"That's Mom's blueberry crumb coffee cake," Luke says from the breakfast bar.

"Where's Dad?" Dex asks.

Maggie turns to Dex, "Do you really need to ask? He's in his usual spot out in the sun room with his coffee and newspaper." Dex's hand finds mine again and he pulls lightly until I begin to follow him into the next room. It seems to be a living room area with a large sofa and TV, and it opens on the opposite end into a large room filled with sunshine. It's made almost entirely of glass and has a door that appears to lead into the backyard. One side of the glassed-in room holds a rectangular dining table with six chairs, while the other side has a small sectional sofa and two large chairs which seem to be set up for more informal seating. I see a man sitting in one of the chairs, holding a newspaper that's blocking my view of his face.

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