Chapter 6

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As I wake early the next morning, the sun is pouring through the white gauze curtains covering my window. In my tiredness last night, I forgot to close the blinds allowing the brightness into the room. It looks like it's going to be another beautiful August day. Getting out of bed, I pull on a pair of denim shorts and a slim fitting tank. I make a quick stop in the bathroom before going into the kitchen. Kristin's door is still closed and I know from our previous family visits that she tends to be a late sleeper. I look at the Keurig machine realizing it is the same K-Duo we have at home. It makes either a single cup or a full carafe of coffee. I reach into the cabinet and pull out a mug, then I pop a pod into the machine and make myself a single cup. I add a splash of creamer and then take the steaming mug back to my bedroom.

I pull out some of my paperwork for school and take a seat on the bed. Grabbing my remote, I flip the TV on for a little background noise. I sip my coffee and look through my papers and start to make a list of what I'll need to buy while we're out today. I don't need too much, because a lot will be done directly through my laptop, but I still would like to grab a couple notebooks and some pens. I also need to stop by the bookstore, they've been holding the books I ordered a couple weeks ago. I really want to check out the campus fitness and rec center while we're out. My major is in nutrition and wellness studies and I spend a lot of my free time working out. I've heard that the facility here on the BU campus is amazing because they really cater to the athletes. I've seen pictures online, but I'm looking forward to seeing it in person.

Kristin slept until almost 10 o'clock, so by the time she's showered and changed, we don't end up leaving the apartment until closer to 11. Parking on campus isn't as bad as I had expected because not all students have returned to campus. I'm amazed by all the old brick buildings and pathways lined with trees. The campus and the city really are beautiful. It feels like a different world from my old campus in California. Kristin and I quickly make our way to the bookstore and pick up my order. The books are heavy, so we decide to drop them back at the car before walking over to the fitness center. It's a little bit longer walk from where we parked, but it gives me a chance to see more of the campus.

Sports and athletic training at BU are no joke and this facility is definitely state of the art. Kristin navigates our way through the building and brings me to the area that I'll probably utilize the most. There are a few larger rooms for group fitness classes and then a very large, open-concept room that has various fitness machines and an area with free weights. I stop at the help desk and get my student pass for the fitness center and grab a copy of the group class calendar, already spotting a few I'd like to try.

As I wander through checking out different areas, as strange noise catches my attention. It's a repetitive thud...thud...thud and as I turn the corner, I realize it's someone working with the boxing bag. I wasn't meaning to stare, but I can't seem to look away. I can literally see every muscle moving in his back and shoulders as his fits slam into the bag. His body is glistening as the sweat runs down his back. He has dark brown hair, a little shaggy on top, but the sides are trimmed close. There's definitely a tattoo on his upper left back and shoulder, possibly going down his bicep, but I'm too far away to see what it is. His shorts are hanging low on his hips as he moves fluidly, bouncing lightly on his feet as he continues his assault on the bag. I can't see his face, but the body in motion is definitely something to admire, especially when the body looks like this. From behind me I hear Kristin clear her throat to get my attention.

"What'd you find over there, huh Mia?" she asks with a slight giggle. I turn around to face her, feeling my face flush with embarrassment. "You're never going to believe this, but that's Luke's brother."

I feel my eyes widen with surprise, "You mean your Luke?"

She answers still smirking, "That's his older brother, Dexter...well Dex. He's a senior this year and big time into hockey. Like a lot of the other guys, he's already been drafted into the NHL so he'll go pro after this season. He's a little full of himself, but what guy isn't, right?" I notice the noise has stopped and I take a quick glance over my shoulder, seeing that he's moved from the boxing bag to the weight bench. Kristin grabs my arm, pulling me away.

"C'mon, let's go get some lunch and then we'll hit the mall." Luckily, he hadn't noticed me standing there staring at him, that would have been real humiliation.

Kristin and I end up grabbing some sandwiches at a deli on campus before making out way to the mall for a little shopping. I find a couple pairs of my favorite skinny jeans at Old Navy and I also grab a simple gray hoodie and a fitted zip-up athletic jacket. Before leaving the mall we impulsively stop into a shoe store where I end up with a cute pair of heeled booties and a pair of black slip-on style Converse. When we finish up our shopping we drive back to the apartment. Kristin is planning to go out to get dinner with Luke, so I'll finally get a chance to meet him when he comes to pick her up. It looks like I'll be having a quiet night alone in the apartment.

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