Chapter 22- Cap's dad?

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Mini's POV
The doorbell rang.
"Mini please get the door!" Gem shouted from the kitchen where she, Libra and Aquarius we're making brownies. I sighed and slowly got up and opened the door, revealing a dirty grey haired man covered in a patched up old trench coat.
"Do you know my son? Capricorn?" He asked.
I stepped back in shock.
Cap said he was an orphan.
"Geez mini what did I- Cetus?" Cap stopped dead as he approached the door. He stared, aghast at his supposed 'dad'.
"Cap. This is where you've been hm?" 'Cetus' crossed his arms.
"Go away I said I didn't want anything to do with you ever again," Cap started literally shaking. With fear or anger I don't know.
"I will be back. I just don't want to make a scene in front of your friend," Cetus looked me up and down.
Cap threw an arm around my shoulders and pulled me away from the door before slamming it closed and locking it.
"What was that about? Capricorn?" I asked as he left the porch. I followed.
"It doesn't matter," he grumbled.
"It does! It's obvious you know him and he said he was your dad! I am your friend! He knows where we live!" I started making really big hand movements.
"Cap has a dad?" Gem strolled into the lounge, Libra and aqua following.
"A creep that said he was Cap's dad rang the doorbell," I explained.
"Capricorn?" Libra raised an eyebrow.
"It doesn't matter. He won't come back," cap churned out before storming upstairs.
I heard a door slam and I winced.

"Do any of you know why Cap is in a mood?" Aries asked at lunch.
Aqua, Libra and Gem looked at me expectantly.
"Mini?" Virgo raised an eyebrow.
"A guy who said he was Cap's dad rang to doorbell when you guys were out. He got really shaken up," I answered.
"Hm. Scorpio, go ask him about it," Virgo suggested.
"You're his best friend,"
"And mini is his girlfriend and he still didn't tell her," Scorp grouched.
I elbowed him hard in the gut. "We. Are. Just. Friends," I hissed.
"Fine I'll go see," Scorpio glared at me and stood up.

The next time the doorbell rang, it was five days later and cancer went to answer it.
"Mini!" She shouted.
I looked up from my homework (a long history essay whoop whoop) and joined her at the door. The same man- Cetus- was at the door, flanked by two men.
"Ah mini is your name then? Where is my son?" Cetus asked smoothly.
"In a grump," I answered.
"Ah," Cetus chuckled.
"Are you really his dad?" Cancer asked, crossing her arms.
"Not biologically," Cetus answered. "I can tell you the story if you wish," he bowed.
"We can't make that decision, only Cap can," I frowned.
"Too right. Can, Mini get away from the door right the hell now," Capricorn suddenly appeared behind us. I raised an eyebrow at cancer who shrugged and dragged me away from the door. We hid behind a wall to listen.
"Get away from my friends Cetus,"
"I don't like your tone boy. You better come back or I will hurt your friends,"
I gulped. Cancer put her finger to her mouth.
"I won't come back and you won't hurt my friends," Capricorn grounded out.
He was mad. Really mad.
"You know what I'm capable of Cap,"
"You know what I'm capable of Cetus,"
"Finally grew a spine did you? Fine. But I will come back,"
The door slammed.

Two days later
"Hey Cap?" I knocked on his door.
He opened it.
"What do you want Mini?"
"I want to know what the hell is going on. I am your friend. We are your friends, you're a part of our weird family so you have to tell us what is going on! Especially if he targets us!" I poked his chest.
"Fine. You asked for it," he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
"Get me down! get me the hell down Capricorn!" I punched his back.
"Hey you two," I heard Taurus greet us.
"GET ME DOWN!" I screamed.
"Oh yeah sorry mini," cap flipped me backwards and I landed on the sofa.
"Oof. Never, ever do that again," I glared.
Cap chuckled.
"Okay I promised you a story," he sat down next to me.
"Hell yeah you did," I narrowed my eyes.

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