Chapter 13- truth. Or. Dare?

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Taurus' POV
This is where I found myself.
Watching as Cancer and Scorpio argued.
It's like watching an old married couple fight.
Me and the 'fire trio' were scoffing popcorn and Capricorn looked elated.
"Are they still at it?" Aqua, Gem and Libra has left the house to go grocery shopping 45 minutes ago. They had come back.
"Well they are madly in love so I'm guessing they're going to stay mad until tomorrow like an old married couple," Pisces predicted. Virgo snorted.
"I'm going to make dinner," she stood up.
"I can help!" Leo said excitedly and followed her into the kitchen.
"It still goes back to, why didn't you tell me?" I turned back to our resident arguing couple.
"Because I wanted to live in ignorance I guess," Scorpio answered. "I was having such a good time.. with all of us, as friends," he hastily added.
"You could've told me. Ignorance is not a good thing," cancer argued.
"Believe me I know but it felt like the right thing to do, help people like I couldn't myself, that's why you want to be a nurse isn't it?" He crosses his arms. Cancer put her hands on her hips. "I won't be leaving us all in five months!"
She shouted.
"Let's go," I murmured. The others nodded and we slinked downstairs.
"Let's play truth or dare!" Gem clapped. We were sat in a circle in the middle of the gym. It went, me, sag, Ari, pi, Gem, Aqua, Libra, Mini, Cap then me again.
"Do we have to?" Ari pouted.
"What is it?" Pisces blinked.
"Well we ask you truth or dare, you pick one," Libra nodded to her to pick.
"Yea. Now I have to give you a dare. It can't be anything. So I dare you, pi, to go outside and try to summon the rain,"
"Oke!" She went upstairs, Libra followed with her phone.
"She's probably already tried to summon the rain. That girl loves water," Cap murmured. "It's why she and Aries balance each other out. He's an angry hothead and she's a naive sweetheart, opposites attract," Gem said knowingly.
"Any more examples?" Mini asked.
"Yeah! The obvious ones are Scorpio and cancer, Scorpio being emotionless and cancer wearing her emotions on her sleeve, and Leo and V, Leo breaks the rules and V is a sort of goody goody?" Gem rushed.
"Let's stop there," Sag said. I raised an eyebrow at him. He was flushing slightly.

"Pisces, now ask someone in the circle truth or dare," Libra instructed.
"Okay! Sagi, truth or dare?"
"What's your sexuality? I know this may be stepping over the line but I'm genuinely curious. We won't shun you in any way," She rushed. Sagittarius laughed.
"Well I think I'm a bisexual. That answer your question?"
"I knew it! Sorry Sag," Aqua looked embarrassed at her outburst. Sagittarius laughed again. He is so cute.
To be honest, I have no idea what my sexuality is. This may be completely off topic, but I've never really felt any attraction to any girl, but only one boy. I don't know if that means I'm gay or bi because I haven't met the right woman yet? I'm just going to stop ranting now.
After a few turns, I got to ask the question. Truth. Or. Dare?
"Truth or dare Cap?" I asked him.
"Hm? Oh Dare," he said.
"Kiss the prettiest person in the room," I said. He gave a small groan but he turned to his right and kissed Mini on the forehead. She went bright red.

A/N- sorry about the late update. I'm also sorry if I offended anyone in this chapter, It wasn't my intention if I did. I hope you liked the update though!

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