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Aries' POV
After the bullying incident, we were all kinda annoyed. Sure, some of us haven't spoken to cancer much but she's still our friend. She's too innocent. But at least the bullies won't hit her again. I saw Pisces talking to a guy in the corner of the canteen. She looked.. interested? "Jealous Ari?" Leo teased. I glared at him in response. "No," I growled.
"Right," Gem decided to join our conversation. I glared at her too. "I'm not jealous," I muttered.
"Keep telling yourself that," Scorpio snorted. "Okay guys stop teasing him, he's getting flustered," cancer laughed.
"Thanks cancer... I think," I muttered. She smiled at me in response. Scorpio glared at me for a second then went back to talking to Capricorn. Huh. So he likes cancer. Blackmail!! I snickered quietly. "Why are you laughing?" Pisces came over.
"I have some great blackmail for Scorpio," I answered, I was going to be truthful. No lying to her.
"Ooh what is it?" Cancer asked, joining our conversation.
"I know his crush!" I grinned victoriously.
"Who is it?" Leo questioned innocently.
"If it's obvious enough for Aries to get it. Anyone can find out," Taurus said. I glared at him and me being the idiot I was, threw my orange juice at him. "Hey! Aries!" Taurus growled.
"I'm not stupid!" I shouted.
"You sure?" Leo muttered. I turned to him, and emptied my whole bowl of pasta onto his head. "Oh it's on Aries!" Leo hissed standing up and throwing his fries into my hair. We're best friends ladies and gentlemen. Such brotherly love we share. Ignore me.

"Why are you here today Aries?" The school councillor asked me.
"Throwing food at Taurus and Leo," I sunk deep into the chair.
"No. You're here because you reacted badly. You have anger issues Aries," she said softly.
"Aries," she said coolly.
"Fine. I might have overreacted a teeny bit," I sunk lower into the chair. She raised an eyebrow.
"Okay I know I overreacted. I didn't mean to," I grumbled.

Pisces was waiting for me when I left the councillors office. "You okay?" She asked gently.
"No. But do you want to come with me to get some anger out?" I turned to her.
"How?" She questioned.
"Killing boxing bags," I answered.
"Sure," she grinned. "I'll tell Virgo that's where we are," she took out her phone and texted the girl. I nodded and we walked down the hallway to the gym. "Wow. I'm not personally one to like violent sports, but it is kinda cool," she surveyed the room. I grinned and nodded.
"Yeah. Want to try hitting a bag?" I asked.
"Um sure," she punched a bag.
"Ow!" She pouted. I chuckled.
"You wrap these around your hands so they don't get hurt punching the bags," I wrapped the bandages around her hands.
"Oh. I feel stupid now," she muttered.
"You've never done this before. It's understandable for a newbie," I grinned. she smiled back.

Zodiac Chat
Virgo- you guys coming home anytime soon?
Pisces- we're coming back now!
Cancer- okay we'll get dinner started.
Aries- what time is it?
Scorpio- 5:42
Pisces- we've been here for over two hours?
Sagittarius- time flies when you're having fun.
Taurus- yeah.
Mini- well see you guys in five.
Gem- yeah.

"I can't believe it's been that long," I said.
"I know," Pisces nodded as we walked back from school. When we got home Cance, V and Tari were in the kitchen, Aqua was with Gem and Libra watching a TV show... um.. I think it was called fuller house? Anyways, mini was beating Capricorn and Leo at video games, Scorpio was probably in the downstairs gym practicing his sword fighting technique or whatever and Taurus was... probably also in the gym lifting weights or bothering the people in the kitchen.
"We're back guys!" Pisces declared as we walked through the door.
"Great! Um.. do what you want until dinner," Sagittarius shouted from the kitchen.
"Okay. I'm going to have a bath. Bye Arioka," Pisces went upstairs.
I went down to the basement, Scorpio was hacking a dummy apart with a wooden katana. "Hey Scorp," I greeted, pulling on a pair of boxing gloves.
"Hi Aries. How was your trip to the councilors office?" He asked, continuing to kill the poor dummy.
"Enlightening," I answered, starting to punch at the bag.

Sorry for the short chapter! Hope you enjoyed it, I'll try get out another chapter next week. Or the week after. I don't know.

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