Chapter 38

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We've been here for almost an hour but I still couldn't help thinking about what Charlie said when we were in the car. What did she mean by that? Why was she so sure that I'd be meeting her best friend? I wanted to ask her about that, but she keeps on avoiding me. It's either she's playing or chatting with our friends or flirting with Kitty. Whenever I get the chance to get close and talk to her about Klarisse, she'll dodge my question and try to change the topic, and continue whatever she's doing with the other girls.

"Where's Monique? You told us that she'll be here anytime soon, but it's been an hour and she's still not here. You sure she's coming over?" oh. Right. I've been pre-occupied by that Klarisse thoughts and I didn't notice that Monique isn't here yet.

I checked my phone to see if there was a message from her, but there isn't.

"Yes. She said she'll be here. She might be stuck in traffic or whatever. Let's just wait for her." she said, but I can see that something's bothering her. Did something happen with Monique?

I dialed her number but same as last night, I still couldn't get through. I tried it again but same response. She already bought a new phone, right?

Before I can ask Kitty if something's up, the doorbell rang, so she smiled at us.

"See? She's here. No need to get worried. Chill, girls." she said before walking towards the door.

I walked behind her because I really missed Monique and I know that I'll be the first person that she wants to see.

I furrowed my brows when Kitty closed the door with some boxes of pizza on her hands, but no sign of Monique.

"Sorry, she's still not here. It's just the pizza delivery." she said apologetically.

I smiled and helped her with the pizza.

"It's fine. She might be here anytime soon. Like you said a while ago, let's just wait for her." I said and she nodded. She was smiling but I could really feel that something's bothering her.

"Pizza's here, girls!" she shouted.

"Oh, I thought it was Monique." Jonas said.

"I thought so, too. But it was the pizza delivery." Kitty answered. "So, are you guys hungry?" she tried to change the topic.

"Aren't we supposed to wait for your best friend?" that was Carlie. But we all could see how she looked at the pizza. You can't blame her if that's her favorite.

"It's fine. She'll understand. Besides, we can save a box for her. I know you girls are hungry, so c'mon, dig in." she offered.

"Well, I supposed we can do that." Carlie said before grabbing a slice of pizza. The others followed suit. I wanted to wait for Monique but my stomach wasn't cooperative. It rumbled when I smelled the pizza.

"C'mon, Anika, eat. Don't worry about your girlfriend, she'll be here." Kitty smiled while handing me pizza.

"Thank you." I said before savoring the pizza.

"So what are we supposed to be doing tonight?" Carlie asked the group, once he finished her 4th slice of pizza. "Are we going to play something, or watch some movies, or gossip, or what?"

Stacey went to open her mouth.

"If you say something crude, Stacey, I will cut you" I told her seriously.

She rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"I was just going to say, we should wait for Monique before doing anything for you to enjoy it with us. We wouldn't want you to worry about her while we were having fun, duh!" she said they all giggled.

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