Chapter 18

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"I'm sorry." I looked at the person who said that. I gave her a questioning look.

We're currently sitting here in the garden. My mom's still cooking so she told us to stay here and wait for her to finish it, but those three pasta-eating monsters didn't want to wait here, so they're currently in the kitchen, disturbing my mom.

So, it's just Charlie and I here.

"For what? I asked.

"This afternoon, when you went to the restroom, I followed you to ask if what you would like to eat." I sighed, "I accidentally heard some of your conversation and I understood why she said that." I furrowed my brow and looked at her, annoyed.

"You understood her? Really? Did you hear what she said about us? She accused me of having sex with you! That was a low-blow, Charlie." I huffed. How could she say that?

She sighed.

"Have you ever been jealous, A?" she asked.

I shook my head. I will never admit that I get jealous whenever I see Monique and Mike together.

"Nope. Why?"

"Well, when people got jealous, we tend to say things that might hurt the person that we like or love. Of course, we are angry, so we can't filter the words that we are using. Our emotions are the ones in control. Did you get what I mean?" I just looked at her. So what's her point? I don't understand, I promise. We were talking about how Monique accused us and now she's talking about jealousy. So, how was it connected?

"Are you really that dense, Anika?" she asked skeptically.

"I don't get you, Charlie. What's your point?" I was getting annoyed again, but I need to keep calm since I don't want my parents to hear our argument.

"At least now I know that not all Lopez' are smart-ass." she mumbled.


She shook her head.

"Nothing. But what I was trying to say is, Monique might have seen us hugging this morning, so she thought that there's something going on between the two of us. And because she got jealous, she unconsciously said some things that really hurt your feelings." Unconvinced with I just heard, I looked at her wide-eyed.

"Are you trying to tell me that Monique got jealous when she saw us hugging?" I asked.

She nodded.

"That is the only logical explanation that would explain why she acted that way." she reasoned out.

She looked at me oddly when I started laughing.

"That was a good one, Charlie. You're really a great joker. Do you have another one?" it was really unbelievable. Monique will never get jealous because of me. She even told me last Friday that she loves her boyfriend, so Charlie's just imagining things.

"It was not a joke, Anika. I'm serious. Can't you read between the lines? Why would she ask if we were together or 'fucking' each other? Obviously, she wanted to know it because---"

"She's a pervert and she has a dirty mind." I cut her. "You know what, I think my Mom is done, so why don't we just join them there and enjoy eating. Let's not talk about some things that are not that important." I suggested. I'm done with Monique. I don't want to think about her anymore.

If it's just possible, I will transfer school so that I won't be seeing her again. But of course, I can't. I don't to disappoint my parents. So yeah, I'll just focus on my studies and forget about her.

"And there's my baby. I was looking for you and Carlie said that you have a new friend. Where is she?" my face brighten when I heard my Dad's voice.

"Daddyyyy!" I excitedly hugged him. He just came home from their company's team building. I missed him.

"Baby! I have something for you. But I'll give it to you later. First, you have to introduce me to your new friend." he said while smiling at me.

I nodded and grabbed Charlie's arm.

"Daddy, meet Charlie, our new friend. Charlie, this is my ever lovable father, Luis Lopez. Oh Dad, she's also from the Philippines." I said excitedly.

I ceased my forehead when I saw how Charlie looked at my father and vice versa. Do they know each other?

"Dad?" I asked. "Is there something wrong?"

My father smiled and hugged Charlie.

"Nice to meet you, young lady. I'm sorry about that. I thought I know you. You're kind of familiar." I heard my father said.

Charlie chuckled.

"Well, Mr. Lopez, this face is unique." she joked. "But you must have seen me when both ride the same train and you offered me your seat. I can feel that you're a gentleman. Or when we were both trying to buy something in a grocery and you let me go first." she added.

I was relieved when they both laughed and looked at me.

"I like your new friend. She's a keeper." he said and winked at Charlie.

Charlie nodded and smiled.

"So, I'll go get changed so we could eat dinner together. Later, young ladies." he looked at Charlie again. "It was nice meeting you, Charlize." he said before walking towards their room.

"See? I told you, my dad is cool." I told her proudly.

"Yeah. He is. Hmm. Let's join the others?" I nodded and followed her in our kitchen.


"I have a question." we all looked at Charlie. Even my parents were looking at her. She was really acting strange ever since we went to the kitchen.

"What?" I asked.

"Would you happen to know my name? I totally forgot about it when I got to taste this luscious baked macaroni." she asked while savoring the food that my mom cooked.

We all laughed when we heard what she said. I mentally shook my head. Maybe she was just hungry a while ago that's why her mood changed. And now, she's back to normal. Yeah, I was just overthinking.

"What a charming young lady. I'm glad that you liked my baked mac." my Mom said while smiling at Charlie.

"Like is an understatement. I LOVE IT, Tita Nikka! You should teach my mom so she could cook for me and my sister. But meh, she's so busy with our business." Charlie voiced out. We all saw the sadness in her eyes when she was saying that.

"Well if she will have the time, I'd be much willing to teach her. But for now, enjoy the food and let's talk about your first 2 weeks in school." I gave my mom a grateful nod when she said that. Charlie grinned and focused on her food.

I was smiling while we were eating. I just listened to what they were talking about. I was happy that my parents liked Charlie and vice-versa. And my friends were actually enjoying my parents' company. I'm so lucky to have a loving, awesome, and the best parents in the whole world.

We were in the middle of our dinner when the doorbell rang. I was about to stand up and check who's on the door, but my Daddy beat me to it. Who could it be? A neighbor maybe? Or Dad's co-worker?

"Baby, you didn't say that you've invited two more friends to join us tonight." I heard my father said I looked at my friends as if asking if they invited someone but they all shook their heads. Well, that's weird.

Just when I was about to ask who are they, my jaw dropped when I saw the person who's standing alongside with my father.

I looked at my friends and we all had the same reactions, well, except for Charlie who's smirking at me as if saying 'I told you so'.

"Well this is awkward." I mumbled.

"Hey Anika, hey guys. And good evening Mr. and Mrs. Lopez." her friend broke the silence.

"Hi, Kitty." I smiled at her and looked at the person between her and my Dad.

"M-monique." Ugh! Now what? What the hell is she doing here?

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