Chapter 10

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"Out my way, losers!" I moved towards my locker when I heard that voice. After that little incident in the classroom, Monique's been like this ever since. I know that she was bitchy, but not as bitchy as this is. Carlie told me that she might be like that because she was hiding something . I just shrugged. I want them to think that I've already forgotten about what happened with Monique and I and that I'm back to my normal self.

"Do they really have to do that? Push everyone so they could pass through? They can say it in a nice way and not in a bitchy way." I heard someone in the hallway complained. Well this is high school. If you're popular, you're on top, and if you're a loser, they can do whatever they want to do to you. I was just hoping that nobody from the jocks or cheerleaders heard what she said.

"Who said that?" uh-oh. That's what I was talking about. If you don't want to get into trouble. It's better to shut your mouth.

I watched as the students turned their heads to look at the culprit. She's not familiar. She must be new here. Well, so much for her welcome party. I feel sorry for the girl. I mean she went here in this school because she wants to learn and meet new people, but what now? She'll be bullied by these students who think that they can do whatever they want to do because they're popular.

"Aw, can someone help that cute creature?" Carlie whispered.

I looked at the girl again, and yes Carlie was right. The girl is pretty.

"She's new. I think she doesn't have friends here, and even if she has, I doubt if they would help her. No one wants to challenge these kids who think highly of themselves." Jonas said in a low voice.

"What did you say?" one of Monique's minions asked.

"I believe that you heard it the first time that's why you're here, trying confront me, right? So why do I need to repeat it?" ha! Go girl! Burn!

Trying to hide her embarrassment the minion, who I don't know the name pushed the girl.

"Who gave you the permission to talk to me like that?" oh, I think I heard the girl growl, lol!

"Sorry, are you the owner of the school? Or the principal? Or the guidance counselor?" the girl asked while smiling cockily.

The cheerleader was really furious so she tried to slap the girl but somebody stopped her.

"Just leave it, Aris. We have to go to the gym. Coach is waiting for us." I smiled internally when I heard that voice. At least, she's not as bad as we thought.

"But Monique--"

"Let's go!" she ordered. The bitchy cheerleader did what she was asked to, but mouthed to the girl that she ain't finished with her yet. The girl just winked at the furious cheerleader. She's really cool. I like her already.

I saw her look at me for a second but automatically looked away when she saw that I was looking at her too.

Once the cheerleaders were out of sight, I saw Stacey and Jonas approached the new girl.

"Hey." Stacey smiled at girl.

"Hi." at least she smiled back.

"My name's Stacey and we saw what happened and I just want to tell you that what you did was awesome! Nobody has ever done that." Stacey stated with so much excitement. But she's right though, it was really awesome.

"Uh, thanks?" the girl replied bashfully. "My name's Charlie by the way."

"Nice name. Almost the same as my friend's. Oh, speaking of my her, these are my friends, Jonas, Carlie, and Anika." oh wow, at least she remembered us.

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