Chapter 24

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"Will you please stop pacing around, Anika. I'm feeling dizzy and I might puke if you won't stop!" I heard Stacey complained but I ignored her and continued what I was doing.

Ugh! What happened back in the restroom? Why did she ask me to go out with her? Did she hear what I said this morning? Was that the reason why she told Mike that she'd be busy this evening? Is this that 'important' thing that she needs to do? This date? Is she serious? Ugh! This is so confusing.

"I SAID STOP, ANIKA—-gwarrkkk!" I just stopped when I heard Stacey threw up. She quickly went to the bathroom after she said that. Gross.

"Ew, Stace!" Jonas was giving her a look of disgust.

When she got out of the bathroom, she was glaring at me. Uh, why was it my fault? I was just trying to think why Monique asked me to go out with her. It was just so random. She seduced me this morning and then she asked me to meet her at 6pm at our front porch. Ugh! She's so unpredictable. I really don't understand her.

"I told you to stop and you didn't. What's wrong with you, Anika? Are you still doubting that Monique wasn't serious when she asked you out?" oh right. They knew about the invitation. When I went back to the classroom, they told me that I was murmuring about the date and since they knew who I was with a while ago, they already assumed that it was Monique who asked me out on a date. They were right, though.

I don't think Monique heard what I told her at the gym, so maybe—ugh! I looked at my friends suspiciously. Well yeah, that should answer my question.

"Did you tell her that?" I asked. They were just looking at me. "Did you tell her to ask me out since I wasn't able to ask her?" I added.

They looked at each other and shook their heads. Fucking suspicious!

"N-no. No! We would never do that. We don't even talk to her, duh!" Charlie said and she didn't stutter. Please note my sarcasm.

"Right. So, what are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"To help you prepare for your date." one of them answered.

"I'm not going." I said.

They looked at me incredulously.

"No! You have to go. This is your chance to know her more. You can't bail!" Stacey yelped. Hmmm, really fishy.

"You know what, this is my theory. You told Monique that I asked her on a date but she didn't hear that well, and you guys thought that I chickened out, so I didn't repeat it. You told her to ask me out and that you will help her with everything, and you'll make sure that I won't ditch her. That's why you're here with me. Am I correct?" I said while narrowing my eyes on them.

Stacey stood up and crossed arms.

"No, you're not. We didn't talk to your girlfriend. We talked to Kitty, duh!" and when she looked at me, she realized what she just said and covered her mouth.

I saw the others facepalmed. See? I was right. I glared at them.

"Why did you do it? You knew why I didn't ask her, right? I want it to feel right. I want it to be voluntary and not because you said so!" I rebuked. Ugh!

Charlie put her hands up.

"Hey, correction, Kitty didn't tell Monique about the plan. But, we were planning to set you two up. So imagine how surprised we are when we heard you mumbling about that date." she explained. I looked at her suspiciously but she just shrugged. "I'm telling the truth, Miss." she added.

I looked at the others and they nodded.

"So, you mean, it's her decision to ask me out?" I mumbled while trying to control my smile. I didn't know that the Queen Bee has a sweet side.

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