Chapter 31

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"So, is she your girlfriend now?" Kitty asked me when we were having our lunch. I looked around because her voice was so loud and someone could've heard that.

I shook my head. I think it was a bad idea to tell her everything that happened when I was at Anika's. But how can I say no if she cornered me first thing in the morning and asked about it. And for her to shut her mouth, I told her that I will give her the full details after our class. But of course, being a nosy friend, she insisted that we should talk about it during lunch time, and here I am, telling her everything that she wants to know. And I even had to lie to my boyfriend just to be with her now.

"Do you need a megaphone so that everyone will hear what you just said?" I said while giving her an annoyed look. Can't she be more discreet?

She looked around and rolled her eyes.

"As if. We went out, remember? I don't think anyone here knows us." she said in her defense.

"Well, someone here might know my parents. Worst case scenario, I'd be dishonored by my own father if he'll know about it and he will absolutely ruin Anika's future. So is it okay if I ask you to be more careful with your words and your voice?" I said and she nodded and gave me a sympathetic look. "And as for your question, the answer is no, not yet. I need to break up with Mike first before I could ask her to be my girlfriend. I don't want her to be a third party or a 'mistress'." I added.

"Like I said, you do know the consequences once you break up with him." I nodded. "But I think you're right. If you want to be serious with Anika, you should end your relationship with Mike. I know he's an ass, but he deserves to know the truth." I was about to ask her if I should tell him about Anika, but she continued as if she read what was on my mind. "Well, not everything. If you tell him that you're in love with Anika, he might tell your father about it. Just tell him that you don't love him anymore. That you're not happy with your relationship. He might not understand at first, but he'll live. He'll move on. There are plenty of girls who wants to be her girlfriend, so yeah, that won't be a problem." she gave me a reassuring smile.

"I hope so." I said.

"You'll be fine. You always got my back, biatch! If anything happens, you know you can count on me." she said and I smiled at her. I know. I know that Kitty will always be there for me whatever happens.

"Thank you." I said trying to control my tears.

"Duh. Stop being dramatic and continue your story. I need to know if you already deflowered your virgin 'girlfriend'." she said and I chuckled. At least she knows how to lighten the mood.

"We didn't do anything." I said and she laughed sarcastically.

"Yeah right. I know how horny you are, Monique. And being with her alone for three nights, you think that I believe what you just said? Dream on, girl! So, who made the first move?" ugh! Why is she this nosy?

"Well, we made out and touched each other and that's it, she's still a virgin, I swear to God." I said and she looked so disappointed.

"Boo! Why? I know that you want to deflower her so badly, and you got your chance, but why didn't you do it? Don't tell me that she doesn't want it because I know how she looks at you whenever she's watching our practice. She's practically eye fucking you every damn time! So tell me, why didn't you do it?" she asked.

"Because I love her. As cheesy as it may sound, but that's the truth. If ever that we're going to do it, I want to be special. And I want us to be together first before that happens. Like what her best friend said, I need to make it right. And that's what I'm going to do today." I said and she understood what I meant.

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