|C H P T R 24|

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"he wants to say I love you,
but keeps it to goodnight.
Because love will mean some falling
and she's afraid of heights."


"Are you sure about your decision Jimin?" PD-nim asked for the last time before he nods his head.

"Yes. I have to take care of her in her hometown. Just tell the fans I am having personal problems." he looked down and played his fingers.

PD-nim sighed. "Alright. Please tell Y/n I'm sorry about what happened. Take care of her. Alright?"

Jimin gave him a small smile and bowed down before walking out of his office.


"I'm only one call away okay? Don't forget about me. Please take care always." Dawn said before all of your friends hugged you.

The boys was sad about you leaving Korea but they were happy that Jimin's with you. Taehyung suddenly hugs you and cried.

"Taehyung, stop crying." you rub his back as he cried even more. "I'm coming back. I promise."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

"Please call me alright? Update me always and everything. Take care. I love you." he said while wiping off his tears.

"I will. I love you too." you said and kissed his cheeks. "And promise me you'll be a good gay boyfriend to Jungkook alright?"

He cocked an eyebrow. "What?"

"Oh please, I can tell there's something going on between you two." you said and laughed.

"Hey, I swear there's none." he defended and rolled your eyes at him.

"Y/n?" Namjoon interrupts as you looked at him with puffy eyes.

He scratched his neck. "You know we haven't really hanged out that much but you are a great and humble person. You're part of our life. Please watch over yourself alright?" And he hugged you.

"Group hug!" Hoseok shouted they give you and Jimin a big and tight hug.

"Last call to Canada, please proceed now to the departure area."

"Well we better get going now, alright?" Jimin said as you adjusted your masks and got your bags before waving them off.


It was a long ass flight before you landed in Canada and your butt hurts. Jimin was silent for the whole ride though sometimes he's being clingy, taking pictures of you sleeping and at some times, he's being too loud.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"Actually, my aunt owns an apartment and I have a room, we can probably stay there." you said while putting the bags inside the taxi.

"Alright. Let's go."

The ride was not that long when you reached at the apartment. It was still the same old house that you left years ago.

You gave the money as pulled out your bags at the back.

"Y/n!" A woman then hugs you tightly as she began to cry. "I'm sorry about what happened. I wasn't there and I didn't know why-"

You cut her off by hugging her and buried your head on her neck. "It's alright. At least she's safe now."

She smiled as she wiped her tears away and noticed Jimin.

𝘿𝙀𝘼𝙍 𝙅𝙄𝙈𝙄𝙉 | ρ.꠹ꪑ ✔Where stories live. Discover now