Chapter 39 (End)

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Chapter 39 Pretty little orange cat x cold and beautiful boy (38 rushes to)

"Tangtang, are these your favorite dishes?" Tang Bo enthusiastically put the dishes into Tang Qing's bowl.

Tang Qing looked at the delicious dishes on the table and nodded.

He picked up a piece of his favorite sweet and sour fish and chewed it slowly.

Tang Bo considerately brought Tang Qing a glass of milk, "Tangtang, brother knows you are allergic to alcohol, drink a glass of milk to moisten your throat."

Tang Qing took the cup and took a sip. The temperature was just right, not hot or cold, but it didn't taste familiar.

It's a glass of milk.

Tang Qing put down the cup and murmured to himself: "Brother, do you know that kittens cannot drink milk."

Tang Bo was stunned for a moment and asked with concern: "I really don't know. My brother has never raised a kitten. Brother, are you not allergic to milk? Can you drink it?"

"I'm not allergic, I can drink it." Tang Qing shook his head, but put down the cup without taking another sip.

The humanoid Tang Qing is indeed not allergic to milk, but the orange cat's sugar baby is.

Therefore, the sugar baby's manager would warm a bowl of goat's milk every day, and then watch him drink it intently, for fear that his kitten would choke if he drank too quickly.

Tang Bo looked at the absent-minded Tang Qing and comforted him: "Are you afraid of being imprisoned by Fu Yixuan? Tangtang is not afraid. My brother has found a way. I can take you out of this small world tomorrow."

Tang Qing couldn't help being stunned and looked at Tang Bo blankly.

Tang Bo explained patiently: "The magnetic field of this small world is quite special, and it is greatly affected by Fu Yixuan. Let's drive to City A. There is a place over there where we can leave here."

Tang Qing pursed his lips and did not answer.

Tang Bo looked at his distraught brother and said solemnly: "We missionaries have to leave after completing the mission. If we stay here, until the end of our lifespan, we will never be able to return to the real world, and we will not be able to enter Chelunhui again. This is just It's a small world, and we can only be passers-by, do you understand?"

He can only be a passer-by, right?

Tang Bo asked again: "Tangtang, you are the only relative I have. When we return to the original world, we can go visit our parents' graves together, okay?"

Thinking of his parents in the real world, he had indeed not seen them for a long time, Tang Qing nodded slowly.

Tang Bo happily rubbed Tang Qing's head and said with a hearty laugh: "Don't worry, Tangtang, brother will take good care of you. When you go back, your cat ears and tail will disappear, and we two brothers can Live together."

After speaking, Tang Bo gave Tang Qing a few more bites of his favorite dishes.

Tang Qing ate his favorite dish in silence, but it tasted like nothing.

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