Chapter 10

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"Where have you been?" I turned to find Brandy standing there. We were both at the coffee shop. Both our asses was addicted to coffee.

"Working like crazy. You know me."

"Yeah. Same here though." She was doing great with her relator business. I was honestly proud of her. She had no idea. "But your mother had a cookout yesterday why didn't you come?"

"Because your ass invited Yolanda didn't you?"

"If you want to be with her why not just say that."

"She's already dating someone else." I couldn't help feeling defeated.

"Dating being the key word. She is not in love with that woman. Never thought you would be one to give up."

"It's been a month. We're done with each other."

"Then stop sulking and come chill with me tonight. You know we be having drinking sessions and all."

"No thanks. I need to work anyway."

"Scared you gone see Yolanda huh?"

"No." I lied.

"If you're in love with her just say that."

"I'm not in love with her."

"Than why is it so hard for you to get over her? It's been a month like you said. You're not the dating type anyway right?" I rolled my eyes. "Stop being a fuckin scary cat. You and your sister are killing me." She said with a sigh.

"Shut up Brandy. It's my life. Don't let what I'm doing ruin your day."

"I guess you remind me so much of Nancy that it irks me when seeing you also." I laughed.

"Leave me alone."

"You really need to stop running from your feelings because I know you care for her."

"So what if I do. She doesn't feel the same."

"Because you were too busy trying to control shit to see that she wasn't even going anywhere. My girl Yolanda tells it like it is no matter how soft spoken she is. I'm sure she told your retarded ass plenty of times that she wanted a relationship. That she didn't want to be someone you slept with. And instead of hearing (let's work on a relationship. Let's build together.) You heard ( I'm leaving you for someone else. You're not enough) when all you had to do was accept that you're in love with her and be with her. Simple as that. Bitches make shit so damn difficult."

"Don't call me no bitch."

"Don't act like one."

"Fuck you Brandy."

"Nope. What you and Nancy need to do is allow us to love y'all scary asses and stop letting mommy dearest scare y'all grown asses. Never seen such two scary people in my life. When that man was hunting Nancy in the mall she wasn't scared one bit. But she scared to tell mommy we're together."

"That's because you were with her."

"And I'm with her now! Dumb asses. That man could have killed her and she wasn't scared but the worse mommy dearest could do is disown y'all. And I know that's y'all mom and you don't want that but when are you going to do what you want when it comes to your love life? When are y'all going to set yourself free from that woman?"

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