Chapter 9

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It's been two weeks since we've last spoke but I was cool with us not being together because like I said I wanted a relationship. I just wish I would had figured that out before I allowed her to get in between my legs the first day we met. Although we said we would remain friends we haven't seen each other since. It was time to start dating but I'm not gone lie and say getting my feet wet was easy and I knew that it could be easy but it was me that was making it hard. I don't know maybe it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be after ending things with Racheal. I guess I was still stuck on her. I needed to get out more and free my mind. Start my new business venture. I would be planning another vacation but for now I was in the search of my next business to own. I smiled when I got a call from Brandy.


"Girl you would not believe what just happened to me. And yes I'm telling you because I know you and Rachael have a thing going on."

"Sounds serious." She sighed.

"But first I wanna tell you that I sold my first million dollar house girl."

"What! Congratulations!"

"Thank you thank you. I'm too excited. But this damn coon head almost ruined my relationship."

"What do you mean?"

"She fuckin kissed me." My mouth dropped open.

"What? Why would she do that?"

"She still called herself crushing on me girl." She sighed again. "I came to the house to tell Nancy the good news and Rachael greeted me outside and before I knew it she had kissed me. Nancy saw it. Oh my God talk about a heart drop moment. I wanted to kill her ass for putting me in this situation. I had to explain to my baby that nothing was going on between us. I made Rachael basically rat herself out about being a lesbian. I made them both do it. Because what you not gone do is have my nerves acting up in this peace." She said making me laugh despite everything she was telling me. "Anyway they both know that each other are lesbian and Racheal knows that me and Nancy are together."

"I know this is a happy moment for you." I said trying to stay happy for her but boiling because how dare Racheal kiss her. Even though we weren't together you still kiss my friend? Just sick.

"Yeah. Even more happy because now we're a step closer to her family knowing the truth. One down a million more to go."

"It's good that at least she and Nancy know about each other."

"Yeah. We have to celebrate. Trying to go out for some drinks tonight?"

"You already know I'm down."

"Cool. See you tonight." After hanging up I went to find an outfit to wear. I just got my answer on what I should do and that was stop thinking about that woman and move the hell on. She was no good.


"Y'all ready to go?" I asked for the hundredth time. I still couldn't believe that Brandy and Nancy were together. That's why my sister would always get defensive when I asked about Brandy. That's why when Allic was interested in her she never hooked them up together. She had never had a problem introducing her friends to Allic before but Brandy she wasn't having it. Because they were together. It still freaked me out. Not in a bad way but in a why couldn't I see this a long time ago kind of way. But now that I knew Brandy was more touchy feely with my sister even though Nancy still seemed uncomfortable with it. She wasn't use to anyone knowing but her secret was safe with me because I had the same damn secret. Who would of known.

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