Chapter 8

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I waited until she entered the room and closed the door. I couldn't stop myself from being angry. But I refused to yell.

"So you lied about everything because of what reason?"

"I didn't lie about everything. We really did meet at a lake."

"This is all a game to you?"

"It's not a game. Besides you're the one that invited yourself on this vacation."

"You had me thinking you was going to fuck some whole bitch out here."

"Why are you angry about that anyway? We're not together."

"It's the principal Londa. Why would you even lie to me about something like that? When did this become entertaining to you?"

"I don't know. It was just a lie that spiraled out of control." I didn't know what else to say. Why was I even putting myself through this? She was right we weren't together. Why did I even come on this damn vacation in the first place. I never in my life allowed a woman to get me out of character but here I was looking a damn fool because of what? Chasing after a woman that didn't want to be with me? Chasing after a woman that thought playing with my emotions was a game. What the fuck was wrong with me? I was fuckin dumb. And this was another reason why I didn't want to be in a relationship because of shit like this. This woman really had me fucked up. I had to take a breather.

"You and Zoey can go out to eat. I'm going to stay here."


"I got a fuckin headache that fast messin with you. Just go and have fun. I'm going to lay back down." I sat on the bed and she relunticly left. I sat there and asked myself over and over again why was I putting up with her games and every time the answer was that I begin caring deeply for her the first day that we met. But I sure didn't have to tolerate this. And I wasn't. Once they left I called an Uber to take me to the nearest bus station. She was right to have her feelings and she told me to my face that we shouldn't continue messing around with each other. I should have took that and ran but my dumb ass didn't want to take the hint. It took her making a fool of me to actually see that I should just leave this all alone. It was most definitely for the best. Getting to the station I booked a ticket home. This was going to be a long ride but I would use this time to reflect on how fucked up I had myself when it came to that woman.


Once we got back to house something felt off. Rushing up the stairs I opened the door to find Racheal and her things gone. I immediately begin calling her but she wouldn't pick up.

"Where are you?" I text. No response. "Just let me know you're okay." No response.

"What's wrong?" Zoey asked.

"I think she went back home."

"Oop. She mad at you Londa."

"Think I fucked up?"

"This room being empty is your answer." She laughed.

"This isn't fuckin funny Zo."

"You did it to yourself Londa. Playing with that woman's emotions. I would have left your ass also."

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