Chapter 3

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I paused at the sound of footsteps coming this way and smiled when I seen that it was Racheal. God this woman was beautiful.
I hoped she was feeling me like I was her. My pulse begin racing and all she did was smile at me. I wasnt wearing a bra now. I hoped she didnt see how my nipples reacted to her presence. I had to admit that when Brandy told me about her I was a little apprehensive. I hated blind dates but being around such cool people made me loosen up a lot. Man she was a laid back woman and I loved that shit. She was beautiful but she wasn't conceded or anything. She had money but didn't flunt it. I wondered why she was single. What was her story? Maybe we would go on a date one day and she could tell me about herself. She said she knew me. I wondered how? When she was close enough so that I could talk in a low voice I said.

"How did you know I owned that gym?"

"I tried to buy it and you out bid me."

"Wow. Really?" I smiled.

"Yeah. I remember because I knew the realtor you worked with and I just had to be nosy and see who was the ass that stole my gym from me." I laughed at her words.

"I'm sorry."

"Its okay. But when I seen it was you I wanted to ask you out not caring if you were into women or not but then a man appeared beside you and you hugged and kissed him and I assumed he was your husband."

"That was my lawyer."

"Well damn. I should have persuaded you then."

"I would have said yes."

"Is that so?" I nodded my head. "That's good to know now." She reached up and begin gently playing with the shirt I was wearing. I was grateful for the over size shirt Brandy let me borrow but it still didnt hide how my body begin reacting to this woman in front of me. How did I want her so much so soon? We only just met. Damn was I this horny? My breathing was labored and I hated that she could so easily get me discombobulated like this. I took a step back and she smiled a crooked smile.

"Do I make you nervous?"

"No." Her smile widened. She knew I was lying.

"I'm glad Brandy introduced us."

"So am I."

"Really?" I nodded my head.

"You're beautiful." She bit the corner of her bottom lip before saying.

"So are you. Your breathtakingly gorgeous. Beautiful smooth skin. I love it."

"I grown up hating myself because of how dark my skin is. People made fun of me because of my complexion."

"People are stupid. They don't know art if it smacked them in the face." I smiled. Did she just call me art? Was she trying to make me fall in love with her? If so, she was off to a good start. She took a step towards me and I backed up stopping because the sink prevented me from going any futher. She reached up and begin playing with my shirt again not braking eye contact with me.

She was playing with me. She knew that she was turning me on and this was a game to her. I now knew that I would have to masterbate before interacting with her in the future otherwise I'd be her little slut whenever she wanted me. I couldn't have that. I needed to be the one in control at all times. But right now right this second I was weak for her. Stop're a strong woman Yolanda. Put this woman in her place. I thought but even as I thought this my body reacted differently. Fuckin trader. She stepped closer and I placed my hand on her stomach stopping her from coming any closer. If she came closer and she kissed me then I would be weak to her and I didn't do those. I did not do weakness. I had to brake this hold she had on me.

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