Chapter 5

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Entering the gym I found Brandy going at it on the bag. She looked upset. I already knew it had something to do with Nancy. That woman was giving this girl a run for her money. She was stressed the fuck out but wouldn't allow anyone to see that part of her so she joked and laughed a lot. I knew that was a way for her to cope. To keep her sanity. But something had to give. I wanted to give some advice but I didn't even know where to begin when it came to them. I guess because I've never been in this situation before.

"Hey girl." I said as I got beside her.


"You good?"

"No." She said as she continued pounding on the bag.

"Want to talk about it?" She stopped took a deep breath and looked at me.

"I'm sexually deprived." She turned back to the bag. "The end." I laughed.

"Awww I'm sorry girl."

"Don't be. It's not your fault. I live with my girlfriend and still can't get fucked. Does that make any since to you?"

"No, it doesn't." She sighed.

"Anyway. How are you and Rachael doing?"

"She came over. Said you gave her my address."

"My bad girl. She was going to bug me all night if I didn't. You and I both know you could fuck her up if anything were to happen." She was definitely right about that but I let her fuck me up last night. I blushed at the thought. "You got her number?"

"Yeah. She wrote it on a peace of napkin before high tailing it out there."

"This morning?" I nodded. "You two slept together?" I nodded again. "Well at least someone is getting some. I swear it should have been you and me together. We'd be out with rainbows screaming lgbtq love all over the place." I laughed and agreed but that really did sound like a good deal to me. She was dealing with a trapped in the closet woman and so was I. The difference between me and Brandy though was I refused to let Rachel trapped in the closet and have us be a secret. That was another reason why I knew we wouldn't work. She was too busy worried about what her parents and everyone else thought about her being a lesbian. Her and her sister had to get over themselves. After a much needed workout I made my way home. I was spending a hell of a lot of time home. I had to find something to do with myself. Maybe a vacation would be a good idea. I begin looking up places where I could go and enjoy myself.


"What's wrong with you?" I watched as Nancy rubbed Brandys back as she rest her head on the kitchen table. They were close. And for Brandy to be in a relationship she sure was allowing my sister to get close to her and touch her when she wouldn't even allow me near her.

"I'm dying." We both laughed.

"You are not dying. What's really wrong with you?"

"My girlfriend hasn't touched me in forever." She said dramatically and Nancy seemed to freeze as she glanced at me. Why did she give me that look.

"When am I going to meet this girlfriend of yours?" I asked.

"Non ya." I sucked my teeth.

"Don't start that again Brandy."

"Stop being nosey Racheal."

"Why is she such a secret?"

"Because she's all mine. And I'm not sharing." She said giving me a knowing look. I laughed. No one was going to try to steal her girlfriend away from her. My family didn't know about my sexuality so I wouldn't be able to try even if I wanted to.

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