Chapter 2

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"Yo who's that?" I heard one of the co-workers ask. Looking in the direction they was looking I saw the beautiful woman that was here last week. I didn't speak to her then but now I was going to shoot my shot. Or at least go talk to her and see what she was all about. I waited a good twenty minutes before getting the balls to walk up to her. She looked to be struggling with the machine she was on. Right then I knew what our subject would be.

"If you need any help I wouldn't mind helping." Looking I noticed she had headphones on. I gently touched her shoulder and she jumped quickly pulling them out her ears. "I'm sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine. Can't hear anything with these things on."

"I see you coming though."

"Yeah trying to get that Janet Jackson six pack. Too bad I don't know what the hell I'm doing."

"Well if you don't mind I can show you a few pointers."

"I would love that. You're a trainer?"

"I am." She listened hard as I told her and showed her how to properly use the machines and how to properly lift weights. By the time she was ready to go she knew how to properly used every machine and promised to come back for a proper workout session. She offered to pay me but I declined it. If she only knew I was just doing this to get her comfortable to ask her out. I just prayed that she was gay. I've delt with a straight woman before. Never again. Having enough of the gym today I made my way home. Maybe a senfigent other was what I was missing. Someone to come home to and make love to. I mean it's been years since I've been with someone. I was so backed up that if I was touched a certain way I would cream all over the place. Yeah. That had to be it. I was sexually frustrated. Maybe that's why I couldn't sleep at all. My main goal was to get to know the new gym member. And I just realized that I didn't get her name.

I had gotten her name the next day. It was Brandy. I loved the name. And for three weeks straight we workout hard and once she got the hang of it she was giving me a run for my money. I figured after talking and hanging out for three weeks that was long enough to get a feel for her. She was funny as hell and I could use some laughter in my life. But now was time to step my game up.

"You should really let me pay you. The results is amazing in such a short period of time."

"I'm fine. I promise. But I do know a way that you can pay me back though."

"What's that?" She was flexing in the mirror. Her body was really coming along great. I just hoped when I asked her out it didn't ruin the friendship that we were building with one another. Because she was a true genuine person. Not a back stabber like most of these people were.

"Go on a date with me." She froze looking over at me.

"To be clear you mean like a date right?"

"Yes a date." I said with a soft laugh. I didn't want her to see how nervous I was to ask her. I knew this was a bold move.

"I ah..." She hesitated.

"Let me guess. You're not gay." She seemed to hesitate again.

"Let's just say that I'm in a relationship."

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