Chapter 19: Fucking paparazzi...

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{Y/n pov}

Life had been pretty stressfull since Jenna just couldn't catch a break..

I felt really bad and tried to comfort her the best i could which worked most off the time.
I just felt so bad for her since she treats her fans amazingly even when she's having a bad say but then when it comes to how some 'fans' treat her it's just sad..
Paparazzi keep flashing hundreds of camera's in her face or people shove things in her face to sign.

There have been a couple times that i stayed home whilst she travelled and when i watch those videos of her bodyguards having to hold hands in order to stop people just makes me angry, sad and dissapointed at the same time.
For a matter of fact i had to pick up Jenna at the airport in a few minutes and we were texting back and forth talking about how many people would flash camera's and shove things in her face.
Our conversation was ended when Jenna told me she was about to land.
So i got out off the car and walked inside heading to her terminal.

I waited for another 3 minutes before people started walking out.
I then waited patiently until i saw a familiar 5,1 brunette girl with black headphone walking.
I quickly walked over with a smile pulling her into a tight embrace.
"How was the trip?" i asked pulling away with a smile.
"Tiring.. It was nice seeing my castmates again." she replied. 

"Hey atleast your back home now." i said with a smile.
"You know how bad i missed you?" i asked.
"You can't have missed me that much." she said chuckling.
"You don't even know how much i missed you." i replied.

"It can't be that bad." she said with a smile.

"Trust me it was." i replied with a smile.
She just rolled her eyes with a smile before grabbing my hand and walking outside.
On the way out Jenna told me all about her trip to which i happily listened.
However as soon as the doors opened and the cold air hit our faces the camera's started flashing and people started screaming.
I could see Jenna's expression change out of the corner of my eye.

Seeing how she went from happy to scared just made my skin crawl.
I clenched Jenna's hand tighter as i guided her through the paparazzi's as i tried to shield her as much as possible.
We pushed through to the car and i quickly put her stuff in the car and we left.
As we created a fair bit off distance between the airport and us i could see Jenna slowly relax.
"You ok?" i ask quickly glancing over.
"Yea..." She replies not sounding very convincing.

I knew she wasn't feeling ok but, i'm gonna wait to talk about it until we get home so i can actually comfort her since that isn't possible in a car.

The rest of the drive was almost dead silent.
I glanced over every now and then to make sure she wasn't silently breaking down and everytime i did i could see her getting sadder and sadder every time.
When i saw this i knew this was going to be just like the other times.

So when we got home i carried her luggage inside and locked the car.
The moment i placed her luggage down she hugged me and clinged onto me like she was hanging from a cliff.
"Hey, it's ok.." i comforted as i patted her back as she cried into my shoulder.
"I-i just fucking hate this..." she said in between sulks.

"I know.." i said placing my head down ontop of hers.

I kept her close in a nice warm comforting embrace for another 10 minutes before she eventually started to calm down a little bit.
After she started to calm down the next step was tucking her in on the couch with a nice warm blanket and some snacks.

So i gently pulled away from the embrace and looked down at her making sure she was ok to which she nodded.
I walked her over to the couch and tucked her in with the warmest blanket we had available.

After i made sure she was nice and tucked in i headed into the kitchen to grab some snacks.
It had become a routine that everytime she came back from a trip she had a little breakdown and i spent the night comforting her.
I didn't mind this one bit.
Because i never wanted this relationship just because she's a beautiful popular actress.
I wanted this relationship because Jenna is an amazing, caring and funny person i have looked up to my entire life.
And ever since i saw her become more famous and see her get stressed out i just wanted to be there for her.
Not in a romantic way but just to be a shoulder to cry on.

So now that i'm actually in a relationship with her it felt amazing to be there for her when she needed it the most.

I was happy and felt fullfilled to be able to help her out when she was at her lowest.

I knew Jenna felt bad for making me spend my entire night taking care of her and comforting her no matter how many times i told her it was fine and that it just made me happy she still felt guilty.
Things like this just eat me up inside seeing how much stress famous people are under but yet the media doesn't care..

It just pisses me off that the media treats celebrities like they aren't human and are something better which couldn't be further from the truth.
Celebrities are just as human as everyone else so they should be treated like it.

After 3 minutes i had gathered enough snacks to last 5 hours along with some drinks.
I set them down on the coffee table and then sat down next to Jenna.
 I shufled myself under the blanket and as soon as i was comfortable Jenna knew and layed her head down on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry.." She says.
"For what? Being human?" i ask.
"I just feel bad that you have to deal with me..." She replies.
"Jenna, i have told you this before.. I don't mind caring for you like this. Helping you out when your feeling down makes me feel fullfilled. It makes me feel like i'm actually doing something that matters." i said as i drew circles on her palm.
"Thank you.." she replied.
I just smiled and took her hand in mine.
"You should rest. You deserve it." i said as Jenna layed down.

"I love you." She said fully laying down.
"I love you too Jenna.. I love you too." 


Alright so i have 2 assignments and a test to prepare for by tomorrow so i'm probably not getting any sleep..

Anyways writing this chapter was more important.

I might also write a chapter for the Tara story after i'm done with school work but, hey we'll see.

Anyways hope you enjoyed and have a great night/day!

A dream come true. Jenna Ortega x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now