Chapter 15: People can be horrible

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I was sitting backstage to an interview Jenna was doing about the new scream VI movie.

I wanted to be with the crew since i was also curious about the new movie since Jenna wasn't spoiling a single detail.
Sadly i wasn't allowed even after jenna asked them.
So i'm just sitting backstage scrolling through tiktok watching edits of Jenna.
Some had me in them but all around it was mostly Jenna.
Seeing how many people looked up to her and adored her made me even prouder off her.
I was also pretty excited since there was going to be a party celebrating the announcement off Wednesday season 2.
The only reason i was invited was because Jenna asked but hey i'm not complaining.
After a couple more minutes i was starting to get bored and i couldn't stay put any longer and decided to wander around a bit.

As i was walking through the building i suddenly got stopped by security..

"Sir, what are you doing here?" he asks.
"Just looking around." i answer.

"Do you have permission to be here?" he asks.
"yea, my girlfriend is doing an interview." i replied with a smile.
"Do you have any proof off that?" he asks.
"I can show you some pictures i took with my girlfriend." i said grabbing my phone.
"No i meant as in permission to be on the property." he said.
"Oh yea, you could go ask Jerry." i said.

"Alright stay here." he said walking over to Jerry.

I took this oppertunity to text my friends and tell them what happend.
After 2 minutes the guard came back.
"Alright sorry for the trouble Y/n." he said giving me a nod.
"Ofcourse no worries you were just doing your job." i said with a smile before walking off exploring this building some more.
My exploration was cut short though since suddenly i felt my phone vibrate.
As i took it out off my pocket i saw Jenna calling me.
"Hey, you done with the interview?" i ask.

"Yea, just one thing where are you?" she asks.
"Just went exploring the studio a bit." i replied whilst walking back the the backstage area.
"Somethimes you act like a child.." she said chuckling.

"I know but i'm almost back." i replied.

"Alright see you in a minute." she said.
"yea, see you." i said hanging up.
Just like expected it only took a minute before i got back.
"Howdy." i said walking over to Jenna pulling her into a hug.
"So this is what happends when you're not able to be in the audiance huh." she said chuckling.
"yea pretty much." i replied.
"Atleast now they will be forced to allow me back there otherwise i'll do this." i said causing her to chuckle.
'God she's cute.'

"We should go prepare we don't want to be late." Jenna said pulling away from the hug and grabbing my hand.
"Let's go then." i said with a smile following her outside.


"You ready?" i hear Jenna shout from downstairs.

"Yea hold on just need to make sure my hair looks good." i shouted back.

After 2 more minutes i walked downstairs.

"How is it possible that in these special kind off events you always manage to look even more beautiful?" i ask her looking her up and down.
This caused her to start blushing and use her hands to try and hide her face.
"You also look really cute when you blush." i said knowing this would cause her to blush even harder.

"W-we should go." she said  obviously trying to find an excuse to hide her blushing face.
"We should it's getting late." i said chuckling.
I then grabbed her hand and we walked out towards the car.
As we walked outside i realised something off.
"Wait.. Isn't your car still at your house?" i ask looking over at Jenna.
Hearing this Jenna had an 'oh shit' expression on her face.
"We should go get that after the party." i said causing her to nod.
Jenna only nodded in response.
We then got in the car and drove off towards the party.


We arrived at the party after a short 20 minute drive.

As we walked up to the front door we didn't even have to knock since Emma came out just as we were about to enter.
"You guys are here!" Emma said excited.
Before we even had the chance to say anything Emma pulled us into a group hug.
"Go on inside i'll be with you in a sec." Emma said leaving the hug and walking off.
Jenna and i both looked at eachother confused for a second before walking inside.
As we walked in we were greeted by ofcourse the Wednesday cast along with the directors, producers and all the other people that helped create Wednesday.
We were immediatly greeted by the cast who had become great friends.
"Yo how's it going Y/n?" Percy asks.
"Good, how's things with you?" i ask.
"Great actually just got another role in a majoy movie." he said with a smile.
"Damn you are out her makin moves." i said hitting him in the shoulder.
After talking for a couple minutes we eventually decided to play a game.

We sat down on the ground and ofcourse it wouldn't be a party if we didn't play truth or dare along with spin the bottle.
I was also one off the only people who wasn't extremely drunk right now.
We started off with truth or dare and everything was going like normal and we were all enjoying ourselves laughing and just having a good time.
But then...

My phone started blowing up with notifications again..
'Oh no what kind off rumors have been spread now..'

As i opened twitter to see what this was about my eyes widened seeing the tweet..
Percy was being accused of doing horible things to underage girls..
'This can't be reall right?... He's a great guy.. Or is he?'

As these thoughts were rushing through my head i was suddenly pulled up and away from the group.
I was still processing the information so i had no clue who was dragging me away right now..
"Y/n, what's going on? You have been staring at your phone for the past minute not blinking or changing your facial expression." a worried female voice said.
It was only after she snapped her fingers infront off my face that i snapped back into reality.
When i did i saw a worried Jenna standing infront off me looking up at me.
"Y/n what's going on?" she asks sounding very worried.
I was too stunned to speak and just showed her the tweet..
It was silent for a few minutes before she eventually looked up at me.
"T-this can't be true... Right?" she asked looking up at me

"I-i don't know.." i replied letting out a big sigh..
"C-can we leave? I don't think i can take this right now.." She said placing both her hands over her face.
"Yea ofcourse.." i replied also not wanting to be here any longer.

"Hey what did you two do back there?" Percy asks with a smirk.
'This can't be the same guy that they are talking about...'

"We're leaving." i replied.
"Why?" Emma asked sounding dissapointed.
We stopped at the door and i looked back for a second.

"You might want to check twitter." i said turning back around and grabbing Jenna's hand and leaving.
We then walked over to the car and decided to drive over to Jenna's house to go grab her car.
However when we got there we were met with an unpleasant surprise..
Her car was completely vandalized..
It had been keyed, spray painted, slashed tires, broken windows and that was just the exterior damage..
I comforted her since this wasn't really a pleasant sight to see...

Luckily this gave me an idea that might cheer her up.
I just have to find a way to go somewhere.. Alone.

A dream come true. Jenna Ortega x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now