Chapter 3: A party i actually enjoy?

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As i walk into the house i was surprised.

I was expecting the entire house to be filled but it was relatively calm.
"Alright both of you have fun, come find me if you're ready to leave." i said pulling out my phone and sitting down at a random chair.
I wasn't really a party animal and don't really like going to parties.
I looked up from my phone every now and then to make sure everything was going good and nobody was trying to do weird stuff whilst everybody was drunk.

I was just scrolling through instagram when suddenly one of my friends sent me a message.

Brother from another mother

Yooo i was wondering if you would be down to do something with the group this sunday?

Yea sure sounds good!

For now i don't have anything to do

Alright sounds good!

Btw, i heard you finally bought your first car!

Yes sir! BMW M3 competition!

Damn! You better take me for a spin.

You know i will!

Anyways what u doing?

At a party..

But you hate parties?

Yea i'l here for Jenna.

So you're telling me you met her 2 days ago and now you're at a party with her?

Yea pretty much.

Damn bro you must have some serious charm.

You know how charming i am.

Sure... Anyways see you sunday!

You damn right! See you then

"What are you smiling at?" Jenna asks suddenly standing next to me.
"Oh just one of my friends asking me to do something this sunday." i replied.

"You will still drive me to set right?" she asked.

"Oh yea ofcourse." i said with a smile.

"Good." she said with a smile.

"Quick question, why do i have to drive you don't you also have a car?" i asked.
"I just like being a passenger instead of the driver, it gives me more freedom." she said.

"Fine by me i like driving." i said with a smile.
"Hey Jenna come on the game is about to start!" Emma shouted from across the room.
"Hey how about you join us?" Jenna suggested.

"Oh no thanks i don't really like parties." i replied with a smile.
"Cmon just one round." she pleaded.

"Fine.." i said standing up.

"Great!" she said excited.
'Why do i let this girl tell me what to do... I'm such a simp.'

"Oh hey Y/n i didn't know you would be joining us." Emma said looking surprised.
"Yea a certain somebody was begging me." i said.

Apperantly this game they were talking about was uno.

Little did they know i'm quite good at uno.
It was a relitively small group so i had a good chance.

I actually got decent cards the first match and managed to win.

"See i told you i was an uno champion." i said placing down my final card.

A dream come true. Jenna Ortega x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now