Chapter 7: the invite

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It had been only 2 days since the incident and Jenna was already going back to work.

I told her she could take as much time as she needed but she insisted telling me it was her way of coping.

I was just waiting at the door scrolling through my phone waiting for Jenna to be ready.
It only took another minute before she was ready and we walked outside to my car.
On the way there the music was present but the singing along part wasn't back yet.

"So you ready to get back to work?" i ask breaking the silence.
"Yea, it's a good way to get my mind off things." she said.
The rest off the drive was the same comfortable silence.

"Have fun." i said dropping her off.
"Ok dad." she said laughing.
I just smiled and drove to a nearby store.

I bought some food and then headed back home.
The drive back was filled with music that was definitely too loud to be healthy.
As i got home i didn't really do much and just layed down on the couch scrolling through tiktok.
My for you page was however filled with the incident..
What surprised me the most was there were people that were mad at me for involving the cops..
Most off them however totally agreed with how i handled things and were blaming the paparazzi.
Not too long after I ended up falling asleep.
--2 hours later--

I was suddenly woken up by my phone buzzing.
I looked at the notification to make sure it wasn't important but it definitely was.

It was a text message from Jenna..
I just sat there looking at it for a solid 5 seconds before opening it.


Hey, we could use your help.

My help? I doubt that, i'm usefull in many ways but acting isn't one.

No not with acting we need some more hand to help out with equipment.

Now that's more my style. When am i needed?

Now would be nice.

Alright got it i'm on my way :)

I quickly got up from the couch and put on my shoes.
After that i headed out the door and drove off towards the studio.
It wasn't that long off a drive and i arrived only 10 minutes later.
I sent Jenna a text telling her i was here and also asking her where i needed to go.
Before i got an answer though i heard my name coming from down the hall.
As i looked up i saw Jenna walking towards me.
I smiled seeing her in full cosume and walked over meeting her halfway.
She then led me to the filming area were i was told what to do and how i could help.

It was actually pretty cool seeing them act the entire day.
It also helped that i had met most off the cast at that house party about a week ago since it wasn't as awkward when the breaks rolled around.
It was really fun getting to hang out with the cast and they were all pretty nice and funny people.
This also made me realise how much they actually had to work everyday which raised my respect for them.

"Wow i'm shocked with how much you have to work everyday." i said as Jenna and i walked down the hall to the exit.
"Yea it can get pretty tiring." Jenna said.
"What do you want to eat?" i ask as we exit the building.
" I know a pretty nice restaurant not too far away from her we can go to." she said.
"Sure sounds good." i replied unlocking my car.

The restaurant was actually pretty close and only a 5 minute drive.
As we walk inside i was already pleasantly surprised since the atmosphere was really cozy.
A waited eventually took us to out table and then leaving to go tend to other customers.
After he left we both started looking through the menu trying to find something to eat and eventually we both found what we wanted.
We then talked and with me i mean Jenna did and i mostly listened.

I didn't mind this though since i actually enjoyed listening to her talking about her favourite topics or just how her day went.
I might have started to doze off since suddenly i was taken back to reality by a waiter coming to take our order.
We ordered and he soon left again.

Jenna just continued with her story and i couldn't help but stare at her.

'Damn i must look like a total pervert right now... I should probably stop staring..'

Just before Jenna could finish her story the waiter arrived with our food.
To say i was excited would be an understatement since i was actually starving to death.
The food was really good and we sat around after we  were done before finally paying for our food and leaving.
We then walked back to the car and drove back home.
It still felt surreal just being with her almost everyday and i was beyond happy right now.
As we got home Jenna was really tired and headed upstairs to sleep almost immediatly.
I stayed awake for a couple more hours however since my sleep scedule had decided to take an unplanned trip.
I just sat around on the couch watching some tiktok and scrolling on instagram untill i eventually also started to get tired.
It was around 2 am..

I got up to turn off the light but just as i was about to turn off the lights i heard footsteps coming down the stairs..

"Oh shit.."

"Why are you still awake?" Jenna asked rubbing her eyes.
"My sleep scedule decided to take an unplanned trip." i said walking over to the kitchen to grab some water.
"Y/n it's 2 am.." she said sounding concerned.
"Ive had worse." i said taking a sip.
Jenna still looked worried however.
"Look Jenna this is normal for me, no need to be worried." i said with a reasureing smile.
"Y/n you should really sleep more especially given the fact that you get up early everyday in order to drive me." she said.
"Even if i wanted to there is no way i'm falling asleep earlier then 1 am." i said sitting down on the couch.
"You should get some sleep. You're the one who has to work tomorrow." i said.
"Did you forget you also have to work?" she asks.

"That's just holding some camera stuff i should be fine." i said laying down.

"Alright... Just make sure you get enough sleep.." she said walking back upstairs.
I just smiled and stood back up to turn off the lights.
I then walked back and fell asleep.

A dream come true. Jenna Ortega x Male readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ