Chapter 1: Unexpected but pleasant surprise

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It was the morning of my final exam.
To say i was excited was an understatement since i couldn't wait to finally be free from all the exams.
I also was able to take a pretty well deserved break since i invested in crypto when it was still worth something and made a good amount of money with it.
But that is all speculation since i still need to pass all my exams.

I woke up early so i was able to revise and make sure i was ready for the exam.

I was just drinking some coffee when suddenly my phone buzzed.
I was confused why somebody was texting me at 6:30 in the morning but when i saw the contact it all made sense.


Hey honey, just wanted to wish you good luck for your final exam!

Thank you! I'm really looking forward to finally being done with these exams

Don't worry only a couple more hours.

My mom had been checking on me everyday to make sure i ate enough and was doing ok.
It was really sweet and one of the reasons i was able to get through these exams.
The remaining time i had was spent revising.

I was walking towards my university since it was only 10 minutes away and i needed some fresh air.
I was walking with my headphones on and scrolling through my phone.

That had become my routine the past couple weeks and also one of the only times i was on my phone.
Ofcourse since i was on my phone i wasn't really paying attention and bumbed into somebody standing infront of me.
"Hey watch where you're going!" he said annoyed.
I quickly look up from my phone seeing a whole crowd of people holding out their phones.
I was confused since i couldn't see what was going on infront since i was blocked by bodies.
After a few seconds i just decided to push through since i need to get to my exam on time.

"Excuse me." i said walking through some people.
"Hey wait your turn!" one said annoyed.
"Listen man i don't know whatever or whoever this is for i just need to get to my university." i said annoyed.
After a minute he finally moved.
The rest of the people luckily weren't annoying and let me pass.
Just as i got to the end i saw why everybody was here..
It was Jenna Ortega..
I was debating rather to stay here and get a picture or just leave and go to my university..
I looked down at my phone seeing it was already pretty late and decided to head to my university..
'Damn thanks exams, the moment you actually see your favourite actress in real life you have to leave.'

Thankfully i arrived on time and sat down to take my exam.

--2 hours later--

I was finally done with this stupid exam and stood up to go hand it in.

Thankfully the teacher that was here didn't teach this subject so he didn't really look through it.
"Alright looks good. Enjoy your well deserved break." he said with a smile putting down my paper.
"Thank you." i replied returning the smile and walking out.

'I wonder if Jenna would stil be here.. Probably not..'

I walked out of my university and back home to take a nice long nap because i was really tired.
Just like i expected Jenna was already gone by the time i got there..
'I hate exams even more now..'

I plugged in my headphones and starting texting my friends and my mom.

Ofcourse i had to bump into somebody..

"Oh sorry i wasn't paying attention." i said looking up from my phone.

"No worries." a female voice said.
After a few seconds i reallised who it was..
"Wait your Jenna Ortega right?" i ask.
"Yep that's me."  she said with a smile.
"Holy... I'm a big fan i'm glad i can finally meet you." i said excited.
"Thank you." she replied laughing a little.
"I saw you this morning and was really frustrated i missed you since i had my final exam today, so i'm glad i got to meet you anyway." i said with my smile growing bigger.

"Oh my god, i'm so sorry.. I should have realised people had exams.." she said as her smile faded slightly.
"What do you mean? I though you were just going out to eat or something." i asked confused.
"No i organised a meet and greet.. And now i feel bad for all the students who weren't able to be here because of their exams.." she said.
"Don't worry, i'm sure everybody will understand. You're also still just human." i said with a comforting smile.

A dream come true. Jenna Ortega x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now