Chapter 16: A well deserved break

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It had been a couple weeks since the news about Percy spread and Jenna's car was vandalized.
It was noticable that Jenna had been feeling a little down lately which i can't blame her for..
She has had a super busy and stressfull scedule along with one off her best friends being called out for Rape allegations..
Her car getting vandalized ontop off that is also not really helping.
I have tried to comfort her the best i can and have tried to help her out as much as i could.
Unfortunately no matter how hard i tried she was still feeling stressed and a little down.
I had been planning a little surprise for a while now and now it seemed like the perfect time.

I was currently at the BMW dealership signing the papers to a brand new 2023 X5M competion.
Since Jenna's car had been vandalised she needed a new car and i knew she wanted to stick with an suv since i managed to ask her during a random conversation we had.
I don't think she knows i'm planning something but i can't be certain since she is really smart.

Sadly now all the money i had gotten from crypto was gone.
"Great i'll actually have to find a job now.." i mumble getting in the brand new car.

I'm hoping Jenna will be happy with this and if she isn't we can always trade it for the one she wants.
The best part about this whole surprise thing, the car wasn't the only surprise i have.

After i get near my house i parked the car down the street making sure she wouldn't see it and if she does she doesn't think strangely off it.
And ofcourse just as i was walking back to my house i ran into the man himself... Percy.
"Hey Y/n!" he said with a smile as if nothing had happend..
"Hey.." i said.
"What's wrong?" he asked confused.
"Have you not like... Seen twitter?" i ask confused.
"Yea, sadly but it isn't true which is why i'm ignoring it." he replied.

"Shouldn't you reply then?" i ask confused.
"N-no." he said.
"Anyways why are you here?" i ask changing the subject.
"I wanted to make sure Jenna was doing ok since she kinda dissapeared after that party." he said.
"She's currently resting, i wouldn't disturb her if i were you." i said.
"And how do you know that?" he asks getting annoyed.
"Because i not only live with her but i'm also dating her." i said confused.
Oh... Yea right you're a thing.." he said sounding dissapointed.
"You never came her to check up on her did you?" i asked letting out a big sigh.
"I did, but i was hoping it would turn into something... More." he said 

"Get the fuck away from here." i said.
"You can't do that." he said.
"I can, now leave." i replied getting annoyed.
"You just have to let me see her." he argued.
"Non you're a perverted sick bastard. Now get the fuck out off here." i replied annoyed.
"Fine." he said scoffing and walking off.
I just rolled my eyes and walked inside the house.
Jenna was currently reading on the couch which ussually meant:

"PLease leave me alone"

So i obliged and got onto my computer checking all the final necessities such as a place to sleep, food and drinks along with healthcare incase something happend.
I also made sure reservation on i certain tower were all set.

I had actually managed to order it correctly since everything was fine and reserved.
I quickly shut my laptop and walked over to the living room sitting down next to her on the couch.
At first it was just silence since i was watching my tiktok whilst she was reading her book.
It only lasted a solid 5 minutes before she got distracted.
"Can we cuddle? I need the affection." she suddenly said.
"Yea ofcourse whatever helps you feel better." i replied with a warm smile. 

Jenna tried her best to smile back but she just couldn't.

"Good, since i really need somebody right now." Jenna said snuggling up to me.

I just smiled as i watched her cuddle up.
I had no problems with this since 1 Jenna looked stunning as always and 2 this made me feel like i was able to help her which made me feel usefull.
I decided to post-pone telling her the surprise a little longer since i didn't want to break the position we were currently in.

After 10 minutes however Jenna sat up straight and looking straight into my eyes.
"Thank you, for being here when nobody else is." she said with a slight smile.
"Ofcourse that's what a boyfriend is supposed to do." i said with a grin.
We talked for another 5 minutes before i finally found the words to tell her.
"Soo Jenna you know how your car has gotten vandalised a couple days back?" i ask now staring straight into her eyes.
"Yea..." she replied.
"I felt bad that you had no car do i decided to buy you a new one." i replied with a smile.
"Y-you're joking right?" she asks immediatly getting more and more happy.
"100%" i replied with a smirk.
She then basically shot up from the couch and pulled me into an extremely tight hug.
When she eventually pulled away i took her hand in mine and looked her in the eyes.
"I have one more thing." i said, my lips curving into a smile.
Jenna just looked at me with an impatient look.
"We're going to Paris tomorrow." i said causing Jenna's eyes to shoot open.
"Y-you can't b-be serious.." she said speechless.
"I'm 100% serious. We have a flight heading to Paris tomorrow." i replied with a smile.
Before i could even take another breath Jenna pulled me into another and tighter embrace.
After we pulled away she looked at me with something i hadn't seen in a good minute..
That being her genuine smile.
"So should i start packing bags?" she suddenly asks.
"Yea probably." i replied chuckling.
Jenna pulled me upstairs by the hand and we started packing for the trip.


I'm sorry if this chapter isn't that good but i'm extremely tired and am not able to focus.

Anyways hope you enjoyed!

A dream come true. Jenna Ortega x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now