Chapter 2: personal driver

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Just as i was talking to my friends in the groupchat i got a text message from Jenna..
"Jack, not to interupt your 'amazing' story but i need to go, Jenna just texted me." i said trying to not to smile.
"You really are down bad." He said rolling his eyes.
"Yes, but atleast i'm not as bad as some of these thirsty teenagers on reddit." i said hanging up.
I then closed the groupchat and opened Jenna's message.


Hey, i was wondering if you were willing to drive me to set tomorrow?

Ofcourse! No problemo

It is pretty early though..

Doesn't matter. My sleep scedule is already non existant

What time should i come pick you up?

I need to be there by 6 am so lets do 5:30.

Alright sounds good!

Great! See you tomorrow.

TeChNiCaLlY iT's AlReAdY tHe NeXt DaY🤓


I know

"Alright 3 hours of sleep is more than enough i guess." i said placing my phone down on my nightstand

Shortly after i fell asleep.

--3 hours later--

My dream was just getting good and then BOOM!

My alarm woke me up..
Funny enough i didn't mind.
I had never been that motivated to wake up in the morning and i knew why.
I wanted to wear something comfortable but also didn't want to seem lazy..

Lucky for me i have like 3 outfits in total so i didn't have much choice.
"Damn i really need to go clothes shopping.. Actually nevermind i hate shopping." 

I ended up wearing some sneakers along with some baggy jeans and a white hoodie.
As i looked over at my phone i saw that it was already 5 am.

I quickly grabbed my keys and jumped in my car.

Even though it was only a 20 minute drive i wanted to make sure i was on time.
Lucky for me since it was really early and alot of people were on their brake i was able to drive a 'little' faster then the speedlimit..
Ok little is an understatement..

As i arrived at her house i was 15 minutes early..

I didn't mind though since i haven't had breakfast yet, so i googled some food places nearby.
I found a little 24/7 market nearby.
It was only a 5 minute walk, so i decided to walk since i wanted some fresh air.
It felt nice walking in the cold morning. It was a nice way to wake up.

I arrived at the store and looked around for some suitable breakfast items that i could eat whilst driving that wouldn't make my car all dirty.
I ended up settling on some mini pancakes and red bull.
Just incase Jenna was hungry i bough 2 packs of pancakes.
I payed and walked back to her house.

I hopped in my car and looked at the time.
I was still a couple minutes early but decided to send her a text anyway.


Hey i'm here.

Ok! I'll be out in a sec

Sure take your time :)

A dream come true. Jenna Ortega x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now