Chapter 10: Relaxing before the storm

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I woke up the next day and my day was immediately perfect.

As i looked to my right i was met with a peacefully sleeping Jenna.
And i didn't know this was possible but she looked even cuter then normal.

As i looked at the time it was only 9 am.
I was also happy that day would mostly be chill since Jenna was free except an interview tonight at 6pm.
I didn't want to wake Jenna up so i just grabbed my phone and started scrolling through tiktok.

Just as i was scrolling i suddenly came across a Jenna edit..

I liked it and decided to look in the comments.
It was either people saying how pretty Jenna was. Then there were the people that thought they were dating Jenna.

I decided to reply to a few off the comments saying they were dating Jenna.
As soon as i hit the send button i knew i was about to get bombarded by people telling me what i'm saying is wrong but hey i can only tell them.

Just as i enticipated comments started rolling in after only 5 minutes.

Regarding what they said i was also correct since it was a bunch off people saying Jenna was their wife..
I just smiled looking her peacefully sleeping and then back to the phone screen.

I decided not to get into it too much and just scrolled further.
After another hour Jenna started to wake up.

"Goodmorning." i said with a smile putting my phone away.

"Goodmorning." she said rubbing her eyes.
We just layed there for a solid minute just taking in the fact that we didn't have to do anything and could just relax.

We eventually got up though and headed into the bathroom to brush our teeth.

As we were looking for something to wear we were also discussing what to do today.

We decided on first going to a restaurant and then walking around town.

We were now fully dressed and Jenna found a restaurant that was pretty close to town that we could eat at.
We wasted no more time and walked out to my car.
We then drove to the restaurant singing along to various songs.

Once we eventually arrive we walked into the restaurant and headed to an open seat.
We looked at the menu to see what we wanted to eat and once we decided on what we wanted we started talking about Jenna's future rolls until the waiter arrived.
We told him what we wanted and he left to go tell the chef.

We were talking about the new scream movie that was coming out March 10th and i was secretly hoping she would slip up so i could know more about the movie but sadly she managed to keep it together and i still had to wait till March 10th.

After a few more minutes of waiting the waiter finally arrived with our food.
The food was really good and we both managed to eat the whole thing.

We then started looking for fun things that we could do on our walk and found a few little stores we wanted to check out.
So i payed and we walked out.

Jenna and i were walking through various little allyways in order to find those stores.
I wanted to hold her hand really bad but i decided not to do it since there were a bunch off people around.

We walked around different stores for a solid 2 hours but we didn't buy anything.

We still had a pretty good amount off time untill the interview so we decided to head over to a park and either relax or just walk through there.

Once we were out off sight from the most people i grabbed Jenna's hand.

We then walked around and just chilled in that little park.
It was that fun that we stayed there untill we had to leave.

By the time we got to the car we were already a little late but it didn't really matter.

I drove back home so we could change into something more fancy and so did Jenna.

I was ready a couple minutes before Jenna and was standing at the door wondering what took her so long but when she walked into view all the complaints i had immediately dissapeared.
We then got back in the car and headed to the interview spot.

As we get there it was already filled to the brim with fans and paparazzi..
"Is this what you do evertime you have to go somewhere?" i ask looking over at her.
"Pretty much." she said with a slight smile.
Before we could even walk inside we already got interviewed.

Jenna seemed to be pretty used to this and did most off the talking whilst i just stayed back answering a question here and there.

We then finally made it inside and were escorted to the waiting area.

We waited there for a couple minutes before they let us on stage.

I didn't follow her however since this was her show and not mine.

The interview was going pretty smooth and i just watched from backstage and smiled seeing how happy Jenna was.
Suddenly i heard my name coming from the reporter..
"So Jenna fans have been speculating about you and Y/n." he said.

"What about him?" Jenna asks.
"Fans thing you two are secretly dating or they don't believe Y/n's story about how he met you." he added.

I just looked at Jenna trying to read what she was about to do.

"What are we staring ar? Do we maybe have a special guest?" the presentor announced.
"yea he drove me here." Jenna said.
"Let's bring him up here then." he said excited.
"Everybody give a warm welcome to Y/n!" He announced causing the public to go wild.
"i'll be honest i have no clue how i became that popular by just being the guy to be around Jenna's house after only meeting her once.

"Have a seat." the presenter said pointing at an empty chair besides Jenna.
"So now tell us how did the both off you meet," he asked.

"Well i was on my way to my exams when suddenly there were a bunch of people just standing there. When i was finally able to see what the fuss was about i became pretty dissapointed. I didn't manage to stay and left going for my university"

"Then we just kinda ran into eachother again and we became friends." i said

We answered a few more questions before we were too tired to function.

Just before we left though we unknowingly hugged.

I wanted to grab her hand in order to walk off but decided agains it since tthere was a lot off people.
After that we actually said our goodbyes and left the building

The interview was pretty long and it was already 9 pm.
Jenna and i were both really tired so we decided to just drive home and sleep.

Once we were back home we brushed our teeth and then we both plopped  nto bed.
Jenna suddenly started snugling up to me before she eventually fell asleep.

I joined her shortly after and also fell into a deep slumber.

A dream come true. Jenna Ortega x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now